

TOPIC: Spiritual Gifts  Text: 1 Corinthians 12   INTRODUCTION  Spiritual Gifts are given to believers to help us be more fruitful. They are received by faith and not by works, thus they are gifts, not rewards.  Many believers do not receive and manifest spiritual gifts because they consider them as rewards. Many do not believe that they can walk in them, and this mindset is a major hindrance.  This study is to further help us understand spiritual gifts and how to receive and maximize them.    DISCUSSIONS    What are spiritual gifts? 1 Corinthians 12:8-11   How are spiritual gifts received? 1 Corinthians 14:1, Romans 1:11, 1 Timothy 4:14, 2 Timothy 1:6   Are people born with spiritual gifts? How about people who are not born again that manifest certain gifts? Acts 16:16-18, Acts 8:9-13   Explain the different spiritual gifts Word of wisdom (1 Corinthians 12:8)    Word of knowledge ( 1 Corinthians 12:8)    Faith (1 Corinthians 12:9)    Gifts of healing (1 Corinthians 12:9)     Working of Miracles (1 Corinthians 12:10)    Prophecy (1 Corinthians 12:10)    Discerning of spirits. (1 Corinthians 12:10)   Diverse kinds of tongues (1 Corinthians 12:10)   Interpretation of tongues (1 Corinthians 12:10)   Who distributes spiritual gifts, how and why does He do so? (1 Corinthians 12:11)   The question of tongues.  Unknown tongues (1 Corinthians 14:2,4, Mark 16:17)   Sign to unbelievers (1 Corinthians 14:22, Mark 16:17)   Messages in tongues should be interpreted(1 Corinthians 14: 27-28)   Prayer in tongues is different (1 Corinthians 14:14)   7) Discuss: *Maximizing your spiritual gift(s). Romans 12:6-8.   *Use gifts to edify, to the glory of God( 1Peter 4:10:11)   *The Kingdom principle of faithfulness (Luke 16:10)   *Relationship between Gift(s) and Grace (Romans 12:6, Ephesians 4:7)   *God gives more grace to the humble(James 4:6, 1 Peter 5:5) 8) What is the difference between spiritual gifts(1 Corinthians 12:8-11) and [Ministry] Gifts to the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:8,11)?   CONCLUSION Gifts are given and multiplied when one has favor before the gift giver. God resists the proud but gives more grace to the humble.    — — Bible Study holds every day except Sundays. TIME: 2:00pm(Lagos GMT +1), 1pm(Accra), 2pm(London), 4pm(Nairobi), 3pm(Johannesburg), 6:30pm(Mumbai), 9am(New York) ZOOM Meeting ID: 536206651 or open this link with ZOOM:


  TOPIC: Spiritual Warfare BIBLE TEXT: Ephesians 6:10-12 (KJV) 10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. INTRODUCTION When a person receives Christ’s salvation and abides in Him, he is delivered from the kingdom of darkness and brought into the kingdom of Light. Because of this, he is now an enemy of the kingdom of darkness, but a member of God’s kingdom. Naturally, the kingdom of darkness would seek to fight such a believer to the point of frustration, but our good God has not left us without weapons and spiritual resources that would ensure our perpetual victory against the kingdom of darkness. The study would help us properly understand the dynamics of spiritual Warfare and understand how to use our weapons and live in perpetual victory. DISCUSSIONS 1) Define spiritual Warfare? 2) What is really the devil’s goal in waging war against the believer? 1 Timothy 6:13, 1 Thessalonians 2:18, Luke 22:31-32 3) Who can victoriously engage in spiritual Warfare? Ephesians 6:10 4) What/who is used by the devil for spiritual Warfare? 5) How do we handle them? Ephesians 6:12, Acts 13:6-9? 6) What is the difference between demons and principalities? 7) How do we handle them? Mark 16:17, Ephesians 6:12 8) How do we handle human agents of darkness? Luke 6:27, Romans 12:19-20, Acts 13:6-7 9) How do we take our stand against principalities, etc? Ephesians 6:10-11,18 10) What are the devil’s weapons? Ephesians 6:11, Revelation 10:12 11) What are our weapons? Ephesians 6:14-17 12) What is our attack weapon and how do we use it? Ephesians 6:17, Psalm 119:105, 130 13) We fight as victors because Jesus has won the victory. Romans 8:37 14) We are Overcomers. 1 John 4:4 15) How do we appropriate our victory in Christ? 1 John 5:4, 1 Corinthians 15:57 CONCLUSION Spiritual Warfare is not just about the devil hindering the physical progress of the believer, his bigger goal is to destroy the believer’s faith. God has given us resources and backup resources to ensure that we are perpetually victorious. — Bible Study holds every day except Sundays. TIME: 2:00pm(WAT- GMT +1), 1pm(Accra), 2pm(London), 4pm(Nairobi), 3pm(Johannesburg), 6:30pm(Mumbai), 9am(New York)

Interactive Bible Study Manual 7

  Bible Study holds every day except Sundays. TIME: 2:00pm(WAT- GMT +1), 1pm(Accra), 2pm(London), 4pm(Nairobi), 3pm(Johannesburg), 6:30pm(Mumbai), 9am(New York) Join via ZOOM. Zoom Meeting Link: OR Meeting ID: 536 206 651 TOPIC: WALKING IN DIVINE WISDOM MEMORY VERSE: Col 2:3 in whom(Christ) are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Main text: Ephesians 5:17 (NKJV) Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. Bible reading: Eph 5:1-20 INTRODUCTION From the Bible verse above, it is quite clear that when a person does not understand what the will of the Lord is, he is unwise. Before you understand a thing, you must first know it or receive the information that is to be understood. Psalm 34:11-16 shows us that one can learn the fear of the Lord. And we know that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Understanding the will of the Lord is the key to walking in divine wisdom. DOING THINGS HIS WAY IS DOING THINGS THE WISE WAY. The church was ordained by God to be the instrument through which He showcases His wisdom (see Eph 3:10). As a member of the Church, your life should reveal the wisdom of God. This is only possible when you understand and walk in the will of the Lord. 1. Some believers do not know the will of the Lord. Why? 2. What is the solution to this problem? 3. What is the advantage of walking in divine wisdom? 4. The church was ordained by God to be the instrument through which He showcases His manifold wisdom “. Read Ephesians 3:10 and Explain how this happens. 5. How do you know the will of God when you have two good choices? CONCLUSION Knowing the will of God concerning every situation is the secret of walking in divine wisdom. This is only possible when you give attention to the word of God and fellowship with the Spirit.


  Topic: Divine wisdom and true prosperity (Riches) INTRODUCTION We saw last time that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Divine wisdom and true riches go hand in hand. You need the one to have the other. There are two kinds of wisdom in this world (James 3:14-17) and they both have the potential to produce riches, but only the wisdom from above have the ability to produce riches whose value transcend time and space. This study will help us understand the dynamics of divine wisdom and true riches. This knowledge would help us appropriate them and live more fruitful lives. This is an interactive inductive Bible study, so your contributions form a major part of the study. DISCUSSION Divine wisdom 1) Define divine wisdom (James 3:17, 1 Cor 1:30, Eph 3:10, Job 28:28) 2) What are the benefits of walking in divine wisdom? (Prov 24:3, Prov 8:18 3) How can we receive divine wisdom? (Psalm 34:11, Cor 1:30, James 1:5, John 15:7, Prov 3:5-6, Job 28:28) 4) How do we ensure we walk in divine wisdom and not in foolishness? (Eph 5:17,Eph 5:15, Rom 12:2) TRUE RICHES 5) Define true riches (Luke 16:11, Eph 1:10,Eph 3:8) 6) Who receives true riches? (John 1:12, Eph 1:10) 7) What are the benefits of true riches ( Acts 3:6-8, Eph 3:20, , Phil 4:19, 2 Cor 9:8) 8) Why true riches? (Eph 3:16, 2 Cor 4:17, Eph 1:18) 9) How do we ensure we walk in true riches and not in poverty (Rev 3:15-19, Luke 12:21) QUESTIONS 10) Questions from Luke 16 11) Other questions CONCLUSION In order to walk in true riches one must possess divine wisdom. This wisdom comes by the Spirit of God. We walk in it by allowing the word of God change our thought patterns in accordance with the mind of Christ.


Join via Zoom. Audio conference. Zoom Meeting Link: Meeting ID: 536 206 651 TIME: 2:00pm(WAT- GMT +1), 1pm(Accra), 2pm(London), 4pm(Nairobi), 3pm(Johannesburg), 6:30pm(Mumbai), 9am(New York). Daily except Sundays. TOPIC: THE FEAR OF THE LORD Psalm 111:10 (NLT) Prov 1:7, Job 28:28 INTRODUCTION Everyone who is wise has come to understand the fact that life has a Lord who orders things, and there is more to life than meets the eyes. Wisdom makes any understanding person know this from simple observations of life. It is only the fool that says in his heart that there is no God (see Psalm 14:1). There are many who have said with their mouths and with their pens that there is no God, but not in their hearts. They know in their hearts that they are lying. Some of them are even servants of the devil set up to turn the hearts of the simple-minded into ultimate foolishness. Since we know that one primary manifestation of divine wisdom is the fear of the Lord, we want to be sure that we are walking in divine wisdom by ensuring that we understand and walk in the fear the Lord. We may not be able to easily know and control whether we are walking in divine wisdom (because everyone is wise in his own eyes), but we can definitely control whether we are walking in the fear of the Lord. If we are walking in the fear of the Lord, we are walking in divine wisdom (see Job 28:28). Every child of God has the spirit of Christ, this means he has the spirit of wisdom. Many do not walk in their divine wisdom because their hearts have not been renewed to walk in this aspect of their divine nature. DISCUSSION: 1.Discuss Job 28:8. Psalm 111:10, Prov 1:7, Prov 9:10 2.Define the fear of the Lord. Explain Gen 31:42 3.How can we learn the fear of God? (Psalm 34:11-14, Deut 17:19) 4.How does the fear of the Lord and divine wisdom relate? 5.What are the signs that a person fears the Lord? Deut 6:2, Deut 10:12, Prov 8:13 6.Wisdom instructs you to fear God: Prov 15:33 7.The Holy Spirit empowers us to fear God: Isaiah 11:2 8.Fear of the Lord is a function of faith: Prov 9:10, Hebrews 11:6 WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF THE FEAR OF THE LORD 9.Wisdom: Job 28:28, Prov 9:10 10.Privy to the deep things of God Psalm 25:14 11.Angelic protection: Psalm 34:7 12.What are the signs that a person does not fear the Lord? CONCLUSION The fear of the Lord in your heart provides the right atmosphere for the manifestation of the divine wisdom that you have received in your spirit through the Spirit of Christ (the Holy Spirit).

Interactive Bible Study Manual 4

TOPIC: Does God’s Judgment Cause Evil to Happen? Part 1 Introduction When we read the Old Testament, we see that a number of dreadful things were commanded by God because of the sins of the people. From the flood of Noah to the destruction of the Canaanites, we see a side of God many do not like to talk about because they do not understand how a God of love can be responsible for so much human peril. There is a common school of thought that says all evil in this world is of the devil, and God never does anything negative. Another school of thought says God in the Old Testament is different from God in the New Testament, that even though God destroyed people because of their sins in the Old Testament, because of the sacrifice of Jesus, God no longer destroys people but showers love on them till they come to see the light. But as we look at the New Testament, we find the book of Revelation, and other portions in the epistles that talk about the wrath of God coming upon the children of disobedience(Ephesians 5:6, Colossians 3:6). We see entire plagues, famines, and perils poured out from heaven upon the earth in the book of Revelation(see Revelation 6), and many believers have decided to behave as if that book does not exist. This study is to further help us understand the character of God and to see His love in all of His actions.  This is an interactive inductive Bible study, so we are all expected to discuss, contribute, and allow the scriptures to lead us to our definitive inferences. DISCUSSION 1) God is the judge of the whole earth(not the devil) Genesis 15:4, Genesis 18:25 2) God is a just judge and a loving father (Same verses as above) Ezekiel 22:29-31 3) God’s judgment is because of His love. It slows down global decay and destruction (Discuss the principle of gangrene and amputation) Numbers 35:33 4) God is slow to anger(Joel 2:13, Numbers 4:18) 5) Explain the perceived contradiction in Numbers 4:18 6) Christ’s death on the cross was God’s love and mercy through His judgment (1 John 2:2, Isaiah 53:5). Discuss. 7) The devil needs permission from God before he can afflict the righteous (Job 1:10-12). Because of this principle, there are many things the devil cannot do in the world without permission because of the righteous. Discuss this. 8) Only in Christ is there escape from judgement.1 Thessalonians 1:10, John 3:16-18 Conclusion God’s ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. Many things that God does that we might perceive as evil are actually good if only we could see things from God’s perspective. Remember that we are eternal beings and it would be a serious mistake for us to judge things only from a human time-bound perspective.

Interactive Bible Study Manual 3

Theme: The Last Days Topic: The Great Tribulation And The Church Text: Matthew 24:15-28 Join via Zoom. Audio conference. Zoom Meeting Link: Meeting ID: 536 206 651 TIME: 2:00pm(WAT- GMT +1), 1pm(Accra), 2pm(London), 4pm(Nairobi), 3pm(Johannesburg), 6:30pm(Mumbai), 9am(New York) INTRODUCTION There are various schools of thought on this subject matter. The “Amillenial” worldview describes it as persecution faced by Asian Christians of John’s time; symbolic of tribulation that occurs throughout history. The “Historical Premillenial” viewpoint opines that it is a period at the end time of unexplained trouble, before Christ’s return; the church will go through it; begins with the seventh seal (Rev. 18:1) which includes trumpets 1-6 (Rev. 8:2-14:20). The “Dispensational Premillenial” viewpoint says it is a period at the endtime of unexplained trouble referred to in Rev. 7:14 and described in chapters 11-18; lasts three and a half years (the latter half of a seven year period between rapture and the millennium). In other words, the church would be raptured before the tribulation. We will look at these and other viewpoints in the light of scripture and align with the position of scripture. DISCUSSIONS 1) What does the bible teach about the Great Tribulation? 2) A time of intense trouble and persecution – Daniel 12:1; Matt. 24:12, 15,21-22 3) Length of the tribulation – Matt. 24:22, Daniel 7:25, Rev. 12:14, Rev. 11:2, Rev. 12:6. 4) Antichrist blasphemes and says he is God – Daniel 7:25, 2 Thess. 2:3-4, Rev. 13:6 5) Much of the world worships him – Rev. 13:8,13-14 6) The mark, the image and enforced worship of the beast – Rev. 13:15-18, Rev. 14:9-11 7) The false prophet – Rev. 13:11-16, Rev. 19:20 *Will the church go through the tribulation?* 8) Who does the Lord refer to as the “elects” in Matt. 24:22,24,31. Rom 8:33, Col, 3:12, (Discussion). 9) The antichrist persecution of Christians – Rev. 13:7, Daniel 7:21,25, Daniel 11:35 10) Protection and provision during tribulation – Rev.9:3-4, Rev. 11:3,5-7, Rev. 12:6, 14 11) Witnessing during the tribulation – Daniel 11:33 12) Christians overcome and survive despite persecution – Rev. 12:11, Daniel 11:32, Rom. 8:35-37, 1 Cor. 15:51-52, 1 Thess 4:16-17 (many Christians will still be alive at Jesus’ second coming after the great tribulation) 13) Why God allows us to suffer tribulation – Daniel 11:35, Daniel 12:10, Isaiah 48:10, Proverbs 17:3, Ephesians 5:27. 14) Future heavenly reward for enduring tribulation – Rev. 7:9,13-17, Rev. 20:4 CONCLUSION In conclusion, from the scriptures examined above, the great tribulation will be a time of great difficulty and intense pressure. It is therefore necessary for the church to be properly informed and to prepare effectively by developing patience and endurance; be equipped with the word to witness more aggressively and to persevere to the end, even in the face of difficulty.

Interactive Bible Study Manual 2

STREAMGLOBE ONLINE INTERACTIVE BIBLE STUDY Join via ZOOM Cloud Meetings Zoom Meeting Link: Meeting ID: 536 206 651 Morning Session 10am (GMT+1 Lagos) 9am(Accra) 10am(London) 11am (South Africa) 12:00(Kenya) 2:30pm (India) Evening Session 6pm (GMT+1 Lagos) 7pm (South Africa) 8pm(Kenya) 1pm (Newyork) BIBLE STUDY TOPIC: The Last Days 2: Instructions and Warnings Matt 24:3-4 (NET) As he was sitting on the Mount of Olives, his disciples came to him privately and said, “Tell us, when will these things happen? And what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” INTRODUCTION God never reveals things to his servants just to satisfy their curiosity or to excite their imaginations. For every revelation there is an attendant instruction or warning. In examining the last days, we will seek to glean some of the instructions left us in the scriptures so they can provide light for guidance in these last days. Remember, everyone can enjoy a good story, but only those who heed the morals of the story truly benefit. As we examine the scriptures along these lines, it will supply lamp to our feet and light to our paths. Let us take this journey together through the scriptures. DISCUSSIONS Instructions concerning the end time. What instructions are given in the passages below? A) Read: Acts 2:17 & Acts 1:8; Matt 24:14; 2 Peter 3:9 B. Read: Mark 13:4-5; Matt 24:11, 23-24; 2 Pet 3:17 C) Read: Mark 13:35-36; Matt 25:13; Luke 21:34-36; 1 Thess 5:6-10 D) Read: Matt 24:6; 2 Thess 2:2. E) Read: Matt 24:24:13; Luke 21:19 F) Read: 2 Peter 3:11 & 14; 1 John 3:2-3; Rev 3:11 CONCLUSION The last days culminates into the day of the Lord. The day of the Lord is a glorious day every believer should look forward to. It is the day of our glorious hope. Therefore in the words of Apostle Paul when speaking to the Corinthian church of this day said, ‘So then, dear brothers and sisters, be firm. Do not be moved! Always be outstanding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord’ (1 Cor 15:58).

Interactive Bible Study Manual 1

STREAMGLOBE INTERACTIVE BIBLE STUDY Morning 10am (GMT+1 Lagos) 10am(London) 11am (South Africa) 2:30pm (India) Evening 6pm (GMT+1 Lagos) 7pm (South Africa) 1pm (Newyork) Zoom Meeting Link: Study 1: The Last Days Part 1 BIBLE TEXT: Hebrews 1:1-2 (NET) 1 After God spoke long ago in various portions and in various ways to our ancestors through the prophets, 2 in these last days he has spoken to us in a son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he created the world. INTRODUCTION I remember how many preachers predicted that the year 2000 (the beginning of a new mellenium) was the year that the Lord Jesus will return. Since the early church, there has been a lot of talk about the last days and the coming of the Lord, some correct and scriptural, while others are simply wrong (see 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3). Whenever there are major disasters; plagues, wars, or any other thing that upsets the delicate balance of human life on a large scale, preachers begin to talk more about the last days and how those events may be the beginning of the end. Today, there’s currently a pandemic that has affected every country on the earth (either physically or economically) , and there are so many theories out there about how this could be the signs of the coming of the Antichrist or even worse. This study seeks to provide a scriptural perspective on the last days, signs of the times, and how the believer is expected to respond. This is an interactive inductive Bible study, so we are all expected to discuss this together and let the scriptures lead us to our definitive inferences. DISCUSSION A) When did the last days begin? What marked the beginning of the last days? Read: Hebrews 1:1-2, Acts 2:17 B. What are some of the positive happenings and signs of the last days? Acts 2:17, Hebrews 1:1-2, Matthew 24:14 C) What are some of the negative happenings and signs of the last days? 2 Timothy 3:1-5, 2 Peter 3:3-4, Matthew 24:4-12 D) What will bring the end of the last days? Matthew 24:29-31, Revelation 20:1-4 E) What is the believer expected to be doing during this period of the last days? Matthew 24:14, Romans 10:13-14, Matthew 24:45-47, Luke 19:13 Conclusion We have seen that the last days began with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and it will end with the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Every believer is expected to live ready by being occupied with the kingdom assignment the Lord has given him. We shall subsequently study in more detail certain signs of the last days including the coming of the Antichrist, the mark of the beast, and other specific signs of the Lord’s second coming. Streamglobe is nondenominational and interdenominational. Kindly share this with friends you want to invite to join the Bible Study. For now, Bible study is Everyday, except Sunday. Happy Good Friday!

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