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Colossians 3:10-11 (NET)
…And have been clothed with the new man that is being renewed in knowledge according to the image of the one who created it. Here there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all and in all.

When Ada became born again and started attending a Bible believing Church, she observed that the Igbo women in the church were particularly nice to her when they found out that she was Igbo. They started inviting her to visit them in their homes. She soon realized that they had some kind of union within the church. And that was the case with most of the major languages.

As she grew in her walk with the Lord, she noticed that tribalism was in her heart. She somehow knew that this was not right for her. But she did not know how dangerous it was until she read Colossians 3 and noticed that in verse 10-11, being a new man in Christ meant she was no longer to primarily identify herself according to her earthly identity. She saw that seeing herself this way was greatly limiting her spiritually. She found herself limited in her ability to fulfill her ministry because of this. She had to cry to the Lord for help and repent of this mindset.

Many believers do not walk in the fullness of their inheritance in Christ because they are still racist or tribalistic. They still primarily see themselves after the flesh and not after the spirit.

In the spirit, every believer in Christ Jesus is of one new race. We are all citizens of heaven. And there is neither Jew nor Gentile. No Igbo or Yoruba, no Barbarian or Scythian, no white or black. But Christ is all in all. Walking in the Spirit entails seeing yourself in the Spirit.

Go into today remembering that those who only see themselves through their earthly identity will deny themselves the full benefits of their heavenly identity.
Thank God because your real identity is in Christ.
-Pastor SD Abraham

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Yearly Bible Reading: Esther 1-5 (In Devotional Audio)

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