
The Glory that Shall be Revealed 2

Today’s Audio Version here: Romans 8:20-21 (NET) For the creation was subjected to futility – not willingly but because of God who subjected it – in hope 21 that the creation itself will also be set free from the bondage of decay into the glorious freedom of God’s children. Henry observed how Caleb literally spoke to things and they responded. He saw how one evening,  it was raining very heavily,  and Caleb needed to go out. He saw how Caleb spoke to the rain and it stopped in response to what Caleb said. There was a time they were traveling together in his car,  and they ran into a BIG porthole. After that, there was a terrible noise in the right-back wheel of the car. They knew they needed to stop and find a mechanic,  or the car would stop them. But Caleb simply spoke to the wheel and it immediately stopped making that noise till today. Henry always wondered why things responded to Caleb’s words. He later realized that it was because Caleb understood that he was an Ambassador of gospel and creation responds to the gospel and its true ambassadors. After the fall of man, God placed a curse on the earth for man’s sake. But actually, that curse affected all creation (Genesis 3:17). Man became terribly downgraded because of the fall,  and God had to also downgrade creation for man’s sake. A downgraded man could only survive in a downgraded creation and habitat. But God did this in the hope that one day,  after the redemption of man,  creation will be set free from the bondage of decay into the glorious freedom of His children. Creation was downgraded because Man was downgraded through Sin. When the sons of God enter their glory through the resurrection,  creation too will be liberated. That’s why Jesus didn’t mince words when he said that the gospel was to every creature,  or to all creation (see Mark 16:15). Jesus could have said ‘preach the gospel to everyone’,  but He said preach the gospel to every creature.  The words He actually used in Mark 16 alluded to creation, not just human beings. You see, the effect of the gospel will bring creation out of the curse of decay,  not just human beings alone. And by the Holy Spirit (who enables us to walk in the first fruits of the power of the age to come) we can control creation just as Jesus did. Go into today giving thanks for the privilege to be a partaker of God’s glorious gospel. Pray: Heavenly Father,  please empower me to be an agent of your gospel everywhere I go. Help me to be faithful to the end,  in Jesus name. Amen. -Abraham Damilola Arigi Yearly Plan: II Kings 6-10 (In Devotional Audio) Want to be saved? Click here: Get sermons here: Streamglobe is interdenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together. To start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio on your WhatsApp, join our WhatsApp Group Here: Visit our website: Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

Promotion Comes From God

Download Audio Devotional & Bible here: You are invited to the 2019 Streamglobe Conference | Date: July 19th-20th, 2019 | Venue: Holy Faith Bible Church, Lokoja, Nigeria. | Guest Speaker: Apostle Arome Osayi | Register for the Conference Here: Psalms 75:6-7 (NKJV) For exaltation comes neither from the east Nor from the west nor from the south.But God is the Judge: He puts down one, And exalts another. Since Emeka knew he could not do the unrighteous things his colleagues were doing to lobby for the new post everyone wanted, he decided he was not going to be disappointed or sad if he did not get the job.He was the best at what he did, but at that point, being the best wasn’t all it took to get the job. As he read the Bible one evening, it occurred to him that he could simply pray and ask God for the promotion. He remembered that promotion does not come from the east nor from the west (your span of achievements) nor from the south (your location or where you come from), but it comes from God. As soon as he finished praying, he knew he was going to get the promotion. The next weeks to come, things played out in his favor and he got the job. Do you seek to be promoted? Stop trusting in the arm of flesh and in human maneuvers, but trust in God. Remember that promotion comes from God. You can simply ask Him for your promotion. He loves it when we ask Him in faith for the things we want. If a man gets his own promotion by human maneuvers, it is because a man who God wants to promote is not in the picture. Go into today knowing that if God promotes you, no one can demote you. If He opens a door, no one can close it (see Rev 3:7). Remember that the greatest exaltation anyone can receive is the one that sets him up for eternal glory with Christ.-Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi Want to be born again? Click Bible in One Year: II Corinthians 6-8 (In Devotional Audio) Streamglobe is interdenominational and nondenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together. Join our WhatsApp group and start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio daily. Click here to join: To find out more about this ministry, visit our website: Source: Devotional

Abide Under God’s Covering

Download audio version here: You are invited to the 2019 Streamglobe Conference | Date: July 19th-20th, 2019 | Venue: Holy Faith Bible Church, Lokoja, Nigeria. | Guest Speaker: Apostle Arome Osayi | Register for the Conference Here: Psalms 91:1 (NKJV)  He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Dwelling in the secret place of the Most High is a choice we can all make as believers, but unfortunately, it is also a choice we can refuse to make. How do we refuse to make this choice? By not abiding in the Lord but going back to the world. Those in the world are ruled by lust, greed, and pride. in John 15, the Lord told His disciples who believed in Him to abide in Him and He would abide in them. those days, I used to wonder what it really meant to abide in the Lord, then I heard a song written by a friend of mine (who used to be a very notorious unbeliever but today is now a pastor and one of the truest believers I know). His song just helped me properly understand what it means to abide in the Lord. A part of the song goes thus: I’m calling on You, calling on You to turn around my word X2 I’m calling unto you to turn around my word X2 I would settle down, settle down, I’ll sit back and relax I won’t run away, anymore, I’ll sit back and relax I’ll be faithful unto you, I’ll sit back and relax I’ll be faithful unto you, I’ll sit back and relax… You can see the writer say ‘I won’t run away anymore’. The question is ‘run away how?’ He used to be in the word and had built an ‘eco-system’ there, most of his friends were in the world. Running away for him meant going back to the world, it meant not being truly faithful to the Lord in all things, It meant living a life of compromises and doing things he knows are wrong for a believer to do. Abiding in the Lord means staying in Him. Jesus tells us to abide in Him because there is a possibility to not abide in Him even though we have been grafted into Him(see Rom 11:19-22). There is a possibility to want to go back to the world because of its pleasures and deceitfulness of riches. Go into today remembering that what it means to dwell in the secret place of the Most High is to abide in the Lord and be faithful to Him. Repent of every unfaithfulness and determine that from today, with the help of the Spirit, you would abide in Him.  Remember that it is those who abide in Him that enjoy His universal protection and covering(read Psalm 91). Pray: Lord, help me abide in you. Amen. Not yet truly born again? Click here: Get sermons here: -Abraham Damilola Arigi Bible in One Year: Mark 15-16 (In Devotional Audio)Streamglobe is interdenominational and nondenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together. Join our WhatsApp group and start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio daily. Click here to join: To find out more about this ministry, visit our website: Source: Devotional

Under The Shadow of the Almighty

Audio Devotional & Bible here: Psalms 91:1 (NKJV) He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. After Ladi accepted Christ, she still didn’t fully understand what it meant to dwell in the secret place of the Most High. Because of this, she was still a fearful person. One day, she had to pass through a street that was known for being very dangerous at night, especially for young ladies. But she didn’t have any other choice but to walk through that street on her way home that night. She saw a group of very bad looking boys staring at her, and she could hear her heart beat because of fear, but she simply walked as fast as she could to pass them. The next time she went for hospital evangelism, she saw a wounded young man who had been in a bike accident. She preached the gospel to him and he accepted Christ. He later told her that he was one of the young men staring at her that night. He said they wanted to steal her bag and harm her, but there was a strange presence that scared and withheld them. He said that was an experience he had not forgotten. Ladi now understood that she had been dwelling under the shadow of the Almighty. Those who dwell in the secret place of the Most High abide under the shadow of the Almighty. The way to dwell in the secret place of the Most High is to abide in Christ and let His words abide in you (see John 15:7). This is only possible when you have received Christ as Lord and savior. Go into today remembering that you are under the shadow of the Almighty if you are in Christ.Not yet in Christ? Click here ☞ Abraham Damilola Arigi YBP: Jeremiah 27-31Join our WhatsApp Group and get Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio daily: Kindly share this and let’s touch lives together.visit ☞ Source: Devotional

Strength To Stand

Download audio version here: You are invited to the 2019 Streamglobe Conference | Date: July 19th-20th, 2019 | Venue: Holy Faith Bible Church, Lokoja, Nigeria. | Guest Speaker: Apostle Arome Osayi | Register for the Conference Here: Luke 21:36 (AMP)“ Keep awake then and watch at all times [be discreet, attentive, and ready], praying that you may have the full strength and ability and be accounted worthy to escape all these things [taken together] that will take place, and to stand in the presence of the Son of Man.â€� It is important for us to pay more attention to what the Lord is saying in today’s Bible passage. As believers, we need to wake up, wake up in the place of prayer; wake up in the place of meditative study of the word of God. Those who will survive the tough times as believers are those who meditate on God’s word; watching and praying. Our Lord did not just caution us to keep awake and be prayerful to survive the tough times, you see, we need strength to stand before the Son of Man. Friend, as for me, I want to see His face. I want to trust Him to take me through all these things and give me strength to stand before Him when He returns. I don’t want to be ashamed at His appearance, because many will be. I want to resemble Him, He is coming for those that look like Him. So what must I do? I must not give up on Him now. He hasn’t given up on me. What if I fall? I must stand up, and get back into the race. Micah 7:8 says â€� Rejoice not against me, O my enemy! When I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light to me.â€� Dear friend, keep awake and be watchful at all times, pray for strength to escape all these things and to stand before the Son of Man. Prayer: Father please grant me the grace to keep awake and to be alert at all times. Help me to run this race till I reach the finish line, in Jesus name I pray, Amen. Not yet truly born again? Click here:, Ubokudom. Bible in One Year: Job 35-36 (In Devotional Audio) Streamglobe is interdenominational and nondenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together. Join our WhatsApp group and start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio daily. Click here to join: To find out more about this ministry or to donate, visit our website: Source: Devotional

That I May Know Him

Download audio version here:  â˜ž You are invited to the 2019 Streamglobe Conference | Date: July 19th-20th, 2019 | Venue: Holy Faith Bible Church, Lokoja, Nigeria. | Guest Speaker: Apostle Arome Osayi | Register for the Conference Here: Philippians 3:10 (KJV) That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death Rolland wanted to walk in God’s great power because he saw he needed this to be more effective in life and ministry. He had taken some time to observe the life of those who walked in God’s great power. He noticed that they were closer to God than most other Christians. He now realized that the secret to walking in great power is closer knowledge of God through fellowship with Him (see 2 Pet 1:2). See from today’s Bible verse that the first thing you will experience in your knowledge of God is the power of His resurrection. This is the greatest power of God that is known to creation (spiritual and physical). This power raised Christ from the dead and exalted Him above all creation (see Eph 1:20-21). The reason many Christians do not walk in God’s great power is because they are too far from God in their hearts. They do not have a close relationship with the Lord and all their communication with Him is based on asking and receiving. They do not really have a desire to know God and know His ways. Moses was powerful because he knew God and knew His ways (see Psalm 103:7). He spent time in the presence of God more than everyone else. Any good father would naturally be closer to his obedient children who love to spend time with him. He would be closer with them than with those whose only communication with him is to ask for things. Go into today remembering that fellowship with God is the secret to walking in the power of God freely made available to you in Christ. Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you cultivate friendship with Him.-Pst., Abraham Damilola Arigi Want to be born again? Click here: Bible in One Year: Psalms 51-53 (In Devotional Audio)Streamglobe is interdenominational and nondenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your friends & contacts and let’s touch lives together. Join our WhatsApp group and start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio daily. Click here to join: To find out more about this ministry or to donate, visit our website: Source: Devotional

Filled and Complete in Christ

Download audio version here:   You are invited to the 2019 Streamglobe Conference | Date: July 19th-20th, 2019 | Venue: Holy Faith Bible Church, Lokoja, Nigeria. | Guest Speaker: Apostle Arome Osayi | Register for the Conference Here: Colossians 2:9-10 (NET) For in him all the fullness of deity lives in bodily form, and you have been filled in him, who is the head over every ruler and authority. When Sola wanted to be free from the demonic powers that held him bound since his university days,  he decided to call upon the name of the Lord and be saved. Even though he had always known that Jesus could save him,  he thought becoming a believer in Christ would take away from him and make his life miserable. “No more partying, no more hanging out and fun, etc”. But the opposite was the case. After receiving the Lord Jesus,  the emptiness in his soul vanished and he started feeling complete and filled. He discovered that he no longer needed alcohol, drugs, partying, etc. to feel complete. All those things never really made him complete, but only plunged him deeper into darkness. His fellowship with Christ through [fellowship with] the Holy Spirit and with brethren was more filling and fulfilling than anything he had explored before. One of the biggest deceptions of the devil to the people in the world is that if they accept the Lord Jesus,  they would be forsaking a full and exciting life for a life that would be empty,  dull and dreary. But the opposite is the case. No matter how many accomplishments a man has or how far he explores in the world,  he would always feel empty without Christ. No matter how much a man tries to satisfy his flesh with pleasures, he would be left empty. It is only in Christ that a human being can find completeness and purpose. Man was created in the image of God. It is only Christ who is the fullness of the Godhead bodily that can fill man. Go into today remembering that that old feeling if emptiness cannot be the portion of a person who abides in Christ. In  Christ lies the fullness of the Godhead body,  and you are filled in Him. No more emptiness. Glory to Jesus! Prayer: Heavenly Father, Help me to appreciate and make the most of the fact that I am filled and complete in you. -Pastor Abraham Damilola Arigi Want to be born again? Click here: Bible in One Year: II Samuel 5-9 (In Devotional Audio) Streamglobe is interdenominational and nondenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your friends & contacts and let’s touch lives together. Join our WhatsApp group and start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio daily. Click here to join: To find out more about this ministry or to donate, visit our website: Source: Devotional Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

Avoiding Lukewarmness

Download audio version here:   You are invited to the 2019 Streamglobe Conference | Date: July 19th-20th, 2019 | Venue: Holy Faith Bible Church, Lokoja, Nigeria. | Guest Speaker: Apostle Arome Osayi | Register for the Conference Here: Revelation 3:15-16 (KJV)   I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Chinenye’s biggest challenge that made her leave that liberal church in the city was that she had become lukewarm and spiritually weak as a result. In trying to get back on fire for Jesus again,  Chinenye observed that certain things responsible for her becoming lukewarm had to be dealt with. The first was that she was attending a church full of lukewarm and cold believers. She realized that one of the ways hot water becomes lukewarm is by continually mixing it with cold or lukewarm water. Her biggest challenge now was that her fiance was also lukewarm. He,  like her,  used to be on fire for Jesus when he was on campus,  but he wasn’t very sound in doctrine and was now lukewarm too because of his environment. Chinenye realized that in order for her to be restored to her place of spiritual fervor,  she couldn’t continue to fellowship with lukewarm and compromising believers. She made this clear to her fiance,  and together,  they started seeking God again. There are various reasons why believers who were once hot can become lukewarm. One of such reasons is because of fellowship with unbelievers or compromising (lukewarm) believers. In 1 Corinthians 5:11, we see a warning to us not to so much as break bread with a compromising believer? Why, because God does not want us to become lukewarm like them. Spiritual disease is very contagious. Go into today remembering that being lukewarm is a dangerous place to remain as a believer(see Today’s text). If there was a time in your life that you were more on fire for Jesus than now, it is indeed a matter of concern. Take out time this week to seek the Lord in prayer and fasting, and ask Him to restore your fervor and show you to plug all areas of leakages. Prayer: Heavenly Father, please keep me on fire for you all the days of my life, in Jesus name. Amen. Want to be born again? Click here: -Pastor Abraham Damilola Arigi Bible in One Year: Exodus 17-20 (In Devotional Audio)Streamglobe is interdenominational and nondenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your friends & contacts and let’s touch lives together. Join our WhatsApp group and start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio daily. Click here to join: To find out more about our ministry or to donate, visit our website: Source: Devotional Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

Be Careful Not To Live By Human Traditions 2

Click here to download audio version: You are invited to the 2019 Streamglobe Conference | Date: July 19th-20th, 2019 | Venue: Holy Faith Bible Church, Lokoja, Nigeria. | Guest Speaker: Apostle Arome Osayi | Register for the Conference Here: Colossians 2:8 (NET) Be careful not to allow anyone to captivate you through an empty, deceitful philosophy that is according to human traditions and the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ. Chinenye was already in a relationship leading to marriage. She found out that her fiance was from a community known to be very diabolical and demonic. They had certain very strong rules in that community. For example, if a woman in that community or one who married them committed adultery or her nakedness was seen by another man, she would die within seven days. Neighboring communities were scared of marrying into that community because of many such laws and repercussions. Chinenye didn’t know this until she was now engaged to Ben. She initially did not mind because she did not ever plan to commit adultery in her life. But what started bothering her was the fact that Ben didn’t see that there was something wrong with the fact that even believers from his community were still victims to the powers of the covenant of his community. Ben said as far as he was concerned, those rules in his community are in keeping with the rules of God, so there was nothing wrong with them. In as much as the rules in that community looked consistent with the law of God, those laws were given by demons and enforced by demons. A believer is not to rejoice in such laws and systems, but through consecration to Christ and focused prayers, he is to reject them and cling only unto his new spiritual identity as a citizen of heaven. Refusing to do so would only bring him under the power of elemental spirits. Go into today remembering that as a believer, your citizenship is in heaven (see Philippians 3:20). The culture and tradition that now rule your life must be that of God’s kingdom. Prayer: Lord, help me to see myself as you see me so that I can walk in that reality (Read 2 Corinthians 5:17). Want to be born again? Click here: -Pastor Abraham Damilola Arigi Bible in One Year: II Corinthians 4-5 (In Devotional Audio) Streamglobe is interdenominational and nondenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your friends & contacts and let’s touch lives together. Join our WhatsApp group and start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio daily. Click here to join: To find out more about our ministry or to donate, visit our website: or Source: Devotional Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

Be Careful Not To Live By Human Traditions

Audio Version here: You are invited to the 2019 Streamglobe Conference | Date: July 19th-20th, 2019 | Venue: Holy Faith Bible Church, Lokoja, Nigeria. | Guest Speaker: Apostle Arome Osayi | Register for the Conference Here:   Colossians 2:8 (NET)   Be careful not to allow anyone to captivate you through an empty, deceitful philosophy that is according to human traditions and the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.   After Chinenye left that liberal church,  she started attending a church that was at the other extreme. They had so many rules and regulations that it was almost impossible to keep up. There were always visions concerning people who went to hell because they used jewelry or even perfume,  and they taught that certain people’s names could not be written in the book of life because their names didn’t have scriptural roots. It didn’t take Chinenye long to realize that she was coming out of one bondage and entering into another.   A major problem today among many believers is balance. Many in running away from one extreme swing to the other extreme. But whenever there appear to be two extremes on a matter of doctrinal difference in the body of Christ, the truth usually is around the middle. If there are those who some accuse of taking the grace of God as a license for sinning, and there are those who the others accuse of being legalistic, the truth of the gospel is usually in the middle of the two extremes. The grace of God is not license, but it cannot be reduced to rules and regulations.   Today, all [human] traditions not rooted in Christ would find their root and empowerment (in the form of retributions for violation) in elemental spirits. Whenever believers begin to peddle the tradition of men as part of their creed, they are exposing themselves to elemental spirits.   Go into today remembering that any tradition that does not have Christ at the center of it; but seeks to undermine the finished works of Christ for the believer, is a toxic tradition for any believer.   Prayer: Lord, deliver me from following every tradition that may act as a limiting force against my participation in your divine life. Amen.   Want to be born again? Click here: -Pastor Abraham Damilola Arigi Bible in One Year: Mark 13-14 (In Devotional Audio) Streamglobe is interdenominational and nondenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your friends & contacts and let’s touch lives together.Join our WhatsApp group and start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio daily. Click here to join:   Source: Devotional Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

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