1 Corinthians 13:12 (NET)
For now we see in a mirror indirectly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know in part, but then I will know fully, just as I have been fully known.
When Wole started reading his Bible and understanding it, he realized that there were many things he thought he understood that he didn’t understand. He realized that the best he could attain while in this body of flesh was but a foretaste. That the real manifestation of his glory was going to come with the resection that would happen when the Lord returns. He also started to understand that when the Lord returns in glory with His Saints, we would literally physically take over the governments and kingdoms of this world (see Revelation 11:15, Daniel 7:27).
He used to wish the Lord would delay his coming so he could accomplish some things, but after more understanding, he started praying daily that the Lord should hasten his coming.
When you see believers wishing in their hearts that the Lord’s coming be delayed, you have seen believers with very little understanding of the kingdom of God and the hope of our calling. That’s a very dangerous place to be for a believer.
“The spirit and the bride (Church) say come”. That is the yearning and one of the greatest desires of the true living church (see Revelation 22:17).
Go into today remembering that when the Lord appears, we shall be like Him and we shall rule and reign on the earth, and over all creation forever. The resurrection body we would receive is what would reveal our real nature as sons of God. This is we shall see Him face to face and will know fully.
Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you understood the hope of His calling and see the exceeding riches of your inheritance in Him.
Source: Devotional