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Luke 2:49 (KJV)
And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?

All businesses have workers, each having individual roles different from their corporate and central role of aligning with the vision, identity and goals of the business. Therefore, the ability of a business to grow and remain profitable will largely depend on the continued belief in it by its workers, as well as their efficacy in utilizing time, efforts, skills and experience towards growth.

When some in the Bible made inquiries on how they could do God’s work, Jesus simply told them that doing God’s work is them believing on Him, the Messiah (See John 6:28-29). So now, our individual and collective roles in God’s business becomes us ‘believing in Christ and in turn showing Him to others for them to also believe in Him’ (John 20:31, Acts 16:30-31). This “Believing” is our positive response to God’s saving grace through Christ Jesus, and our outward confession and continued walk of faith in Him.

Because on our own, we cannot run God’s business effectively like Jesus did while He was on earth, He gave us a Helper (The Holy Spirit), Who part of His work is to convict sin and help us turn into believers, those who still live in unbelief; live in sin (John 16:7-9, Acts 1:8).

God also desires that His business be rich in profit and so He won’t tolerate lazy, idle or ghost workers who only want benefits without any commitment to His business (Revelation 3:15-16). This means that as handlers of God’s business, we must always be at our duty posts, diligently working and improving our abilities in helping others believe (Romans 12:11, 2Peter 1:5-10).

Today, regardless of our diverse vocations, let the business of making others see and believe in Jesus always be central to what we are found doing.

-Chibo E.C.
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Yearly Bible Reading: Isaiah 23-28 (In Devotional Audio)

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