Join our social groups to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio Daily: Follow this link for WhatsApp ☞ Follow this link for Telegram☞ Download Today’s Audio here☞ 1 Corinthians 1:12-14 (NET) Now I mean this, that each of you is saying, “I am with Paul,” or “I am with Apollos,” or “I am with Cephas,” or “I am with Christ.” Is Christ divided? Paul wasn’t crucified for you, was he? Or were you in fact baptized in the name of Paul? I thank God that I did not baptize any of you except Crispus and Gaius Further Reading: Acts 18:1-19 A certain missionary took the gospel to a community. He didn’t meet opposition, but he observed that people were not responding to his message because there was a certain mystical ‘prophet’ in that community that the people followed. This prophet was not saved but was one who walked in the way of Balaam. The missionary preached and preached and many were convicted but did not come forward to receive and confess Christ. After the missionary labored in that community for weeks, the mystical ‘prophet’ was convicted and accepted the Lord Jesus and was baptized. When the people in the community heard that their ‘prophet’ had accepted the gospel and was baptized, many of them too believed in Jesus and were baptized. When Paul first took the gospel to Corinth, he stayed there for 18 months, and many of the people in the city believed and were baptized after Crispus the leader of the synagogue believed (see Acts 18:8). Apart from Crispus and some other few people who were Paul’s first converts, Paul did not baptize but only preached. Others did the baptizing. This was Paul’s biggest point when he rebuked the Corinthians for their divisions. He did not baptize many of them so they couldn’t claim that he baptized them in his name. Since they were all baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus, the only name that should be their tag should be Christ, not Paul, Peter or Apollos. Go into today remembering that to be denominationally minded is a sign of spiritual immaturity (see 1 Cor 3:1-3). -SD Abraham GET AUDIO SERMONS here☞ Yearly Bible Reading: Psalms 48-50 (Available in Today’s Audio) Streamglobe Interdenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your friends & contacts and let’s touch lives together. WhatsApp: +2348034420524 Source: Devotional
1 Corinthians 1:10-11 (NET) I urge you, brothers and sisters, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to agree together, to end your divisions, and to be united by the same mind and purpose. For members of Chloe’s household have made it clear to me, my brothers and sisters, that there are quarrels among you. Because the Corinthian church grew so rapidly, many of the new members were still babes in the faith. At the time Paul wrote his first letter to them, the church was now dominated by such new believers. Many of them were still carnal, and they manifested works of the flesh like party spirit, quarrels, divisions and the likes. Paul’s first letter to them was a wakeup call, and it brought many of them to repentance. He even had to encourage them in his second letter to them because many of them were so sorrowful and broken (see 2 Cor 2: 4-11) when they realized through his first letter that they were not walking in a way fitting for those who would inherit the kingdom of God (see 1 Cor 6:9-10). One major sign that showed that the Corinthian believers were true believers (even though many of them were still carnal) was the way they responded to the word of God when Paul sent it to them in his first letter. They repented and changed their ways. They did not rationalize and give excuses for their faults. Today, many people claim to believers, and many are still in the process of growing into maturity. One way to discern those who have been truly born again is the way they respond to God’s word. If a person has total disregard for God’s word when it opposes his conduct, it may be a sign that he is not yet truly born again [of water (the word) and the Spirit]. -SD Abraham GET AUDIO SERMONS here☞ Yearly Bible Reading: Psalms 48-50 (Available in Today’s Audio) Streamglobe Interdenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your friends & contacts and let’s touch lives together. WhatsApp: +2348034420524 </div=evotional Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS
Corinthians 1:8-9 (NET) He will also strengthen you to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithful, by whom you were called into fellowship with his son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Chinedu had led a lot of people to the Lord. But he observed that a number of them that were no longer with him got entangled in the world again. He went to a certain city and met one of them who was even a fellowship leader when they were together on campus. He was shocked to see that this brother was now living with his girlfriend in sin and shame. He could not understand how someone who was once so close to the Lord could fall so far from grace. He was now deeply concerned about his other disciples who were no more in direct contact with him. Apostle Paul also had this concern for many of the people who had come to the Lord through him. He knew that there were wolves in sheep’s clothing who would seek to mislead and devour them (see Acts 20:29). At a time, he wrote to the Thessalonians and said he really wanted to get in touch with them because he didn’t want his labor with them to be in vain (1 Thess 3:5). As a person who’s had the privilege of leading people to the Lord, I understand the burden and concern Apostle Paul had for his disciples. Even the Lord Jesus had this same concern for His disciples when He prayed for them and asked the Father to preserve them from the evil one (see John 17:15). Go into today knowing that Just like Jesus handed over His disciples to the care of The Father, we too are to hand over our disciples to the Lord and be rest assured that he would strengthen them to the end. We do this by constantly praying for them and asking the Lord to preserve them. -SD Abraham Yearly Bible Reading: II Samuel 1-4 (Available in Today’s Audio) Streamglobe Interdenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your friends & contacts and let’s touch lives together. WhatsApp: +2348034420524 Source: Devotional Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS
1 Corinthians 1:6-7 (NET) Just as the testimony about Christ has been confirmed among you – so that you do not lack any spiritual gift as you wait for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ. One thing was common to the churches in Paul’s time; they all waited for the revelation of our Lord Jesus. They were expecting and hoping that the Lord would come during their lifetime because they understood that His coming would reveal their indescribable glory and power on this earth. When the Lord returns, we will be transformed into His glorious nature, and these vile bodies of ours will be changed into the likeness of His glorious body (see Phil 3:21). He will come with great power and will subject all things to His authority. Every knee will bow to Him (see Rom 14:11-12). We will rule and reign with Him and will judge the world and even angels (1 Cor 6:2-3). This is the destiny of the believer. We are part of God’s kingdom, and we will be rewarded according to our faithfulness to His call (see Matt 16:27, Rev 12:12). When believers live without this consciousness, they are bound to live faithless and weak lives that cannot truly draw people to the knowledge of the truth. But when believers live with a consciousness of the Lord’s appearing and remember that they would give an account of their stewardship here, they would live as pilgrims on assignment in this world and would conquer the world as agents of a higher kingdom. Go into today remembering that as believers, our affection must be set on things above because we are citizens of heaven where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for Him to return (see Phil 3:20). -SD Abraham Yearly Bible Reading: Exodus 13-16 (Available in Today’s Audio) Streamglobe Interdenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your friends & contacts and let’s touch lives together. WhatsApp: +2348034420524 Our website☞ Source: Devotional Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS
1 Corinthians 1:4-5 (DARBY) I thank my God always about you, in respect of the grace of God given to you in Christ Jesus; that in everything ye have been enriched in him, in all word [of doctrine], and all knowledge Amaka was suffering from demonic affliction and fear even though she was a believer. Her Pastor had prayed for her and delivered her several times, but the issues kept coming back. Her pastor knew that the only way she could be free indeed was if she received her freedom through the knowledge of the Truth (see John 8:32, John 14:16, John 8:36). Because of this, her pastor gave her books and sermons to listen to, but she wouldn’t read the books nor listen to the sermons. She became totally free when she heeded her pastor’s advice and started reading faith building books and paying attention to increasing her faith through the ministry of the word. I have seen Christians who are very careful with their conduct suffer demonic affliction and defeat, and I have seen Christians who like the Corinthians, are not as careful with their conduct, but they enjoy spiritual liberty and are enriched through grace because they have been properly taught and grounded in the word of faith. God neither wants us to live carelessly nor does He want us to suffer unnecessary affliction. But many times, His people suffer because of lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). This knowledge is the knowledge of His word. Go into today remembering that prayers are very important and indispensable to spiritual growth. But so is the knowledge of the truth (which is God’s word). Prayer is like a gun and the word is like the bullets. You need to get your gun properly loaded. -SD Abraham GET AUDIO SERMONS here☞ Yearly Bible Reading: II Corinthians 1-3 (Available in Today’s Audio) Streamglobe Interdenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your friends & contacts and let’s touch lives together. WhatsApp: +2348034420524 Our website☞ Source: Devotional Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS
1 Corinthians 1:4-5 (DARBY) I thank my God always about you, in respect of the grace of God given to you in Christ Jesus; that in everything ye have been enriched in him, in all word [of doctrine], and all knowledge The church in Corinth was indeed enriched in all things. Concerning spiritual gifts, they were not lacking in any and were behind no one (1 Cor 1:7). They had abundant demonstrations of the power of God in their midst, and because of this, they enjoyed great growth and admiration from the people of the city. Concerning physical and material prosperity, they had become rich through the power of grace (see 1 Cor 4:8). These Paul acknowledged and was glad for, but was concerned for them not to be carried away by these and ignore the weightier matters of the kingdom. The secret of the Corinthian church’s enrichment was their enrichment in doctrine and knowledge, and Apostle Paul pointed this out (see Bible text above). They had skilled teachers like Apollos, and because of them, they were enriched in doctrine and knew how to appropriate the riches of Christ through faith. For faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (Rom 10:17). Whenever you see Christians who are walking in the grace and the manifestation of the riches and liberty of Christ, it is always because they have been properly taught in that regard. Christians who are not given to doctrine and learning are usually impoverished, oppressed, and wanting in many things. This is not the will of God. Go into today remembering that Christians are disciples and disciples are students. We are students of the Word, and we never graduate from the school of the Spirit. Ask the Lord to help you give yourself to the ministry of the word and to prayer (see Acts 6:4). -SD Abraham Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS
1 Corinthians 1:3 (NET) Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ! A certain missionary took the gospel to a West African village. The first household he visited, they greeted him warmly and offered him some food and water because they perceived he was coming from a far journey. He told them the reason why he came to their village and shared the gospel with them. They knew there was something glorious about him, so their father wanted him to stay with them in their house. Everyone in that household eventually accepted the Lord Jesus and became born again. They later observed that since the time the missionary stayed in their house, everything started going well with them. Their farm became unusually fruitful, and their livestock became very productive. They also observed that their sickly children were now healthy and strong. All these good things happened to them because of the peace of Christ that rested upon their household through the missionary. Jesus told his disciples that if they went preaching and found a home deserving, they should let their peace rest upon that home, but if the home is not deserving, they should let their peace return to them (see Matt 10:13). In the world today, peace is understood to be the absence of war. But the peace that Jesus gives is far more than that (John 14:27). It is a spiritual force that causes everything to work properly. It is a spiritual empowerment that ensures well-being, health, and prosperity. It has the ability to garrison the soul of a person against anxiety and fears (see Phil 4:7). It is worthy of note that Grace was mentioned before peace in Paul’s salutation to the Corinthians. This is because peace is made available because of grace. It is unmerited and has been fully paid for by Christ Jesus. Go into today asking the Lord to fill your life with His peace. -SD Abraham Yearly Bible Reading: Jeremiah 17-21 (Available in Today’s Audio) We are Interdenominational. Kindly share this with your friends & contacts and let’s touch lives together. WhatsApp: +2348034420524 Our website☞ Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS
1 Corinthians 1:1-2 (NKJV) Paul, called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God, and Sosthenes our brother, To the church of God which is at Corinth, to those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all who in every place call on the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours The book of 1 Corinthians is a letter written by Paul to the church in Corinth. It was most likely dictated by Paul but written down by Sosthenes. Sosthenes was once the ruler of the synagogue in Corinth (Acts 18:17) and was most likely an important facilitator in Paul’s apostolic ministry to the Corinthians. Corinth was a major city in the southern part of Greece. Paul took the gospel to them as an apostle of the Lord Jesus. Many believed and became part of the church, but like many churches, they had their peculiar issues and temptations. Paul wrote this letter to them to encourage them and address some of these issues. Notice that in 1 Cor 1:2, Paul refers to the Christians in Corinth as those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus and called to be saints. In the world today, people believe that saints are most holy people who represented God well in their generation. Well, that is what we all have been called to become in the New Testament Church. It is important that we know this and believe that we are those called, sanctified and empowered to be living witnesses of our Lord Jesus, set free from the corruption of this world, and whose lives radiate the supernatural [miracle working] power of God. Go into today thanking God for calling you. Prayer: ask that God will empower you to live the life that bears witness to His power and glory. SD Abraham Download Today’s Audio here☞ Yearly Bible Reading: Job 31-32 (Available in Today’s Audio) We are Interdenominational. Kindly share this with your friends & contacts and let’s touch lives together. WhatsApp: +2348034420524 Our website☞ Source: Devotional
Proverbs 26:2 NLT Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an undeserved curse will not land on its intended victim. After Ade became a Christian, his life turned around and he became successful in life more than all his brothers, who still practiced pagan, ancestral worship. This made some of them very envious and bitter to the point of concocting and placing charms outside his house, in the hopes that it kills him. However long they waited, nothing happened to him and soon after, all those involved in the scheme fell ill one by one, suffering that which they thought would happen to him. In shame, they called for a family meeting where they confessed and begged Ade for forgiveness. Many still harbor fear even after salvation, especially of curses from sorcery or divination instead of walking in boldness and authority. They even refuse to visit certain places or act and talk like a Christian before certain people for fear of them being cursed. Christ Jesus, blotted out every record of our sins and consequently redeemed us also from all their associated curses when He shed His blood on the cross, ensuring that we shouldn’t live any longer in fear of them or of any new pronouncements made against us because, in Him, we have divine immunity (Gen 12:3, Gal 3:13-14, Col 2:14). Therefore, for a believer who is deeply rooted in God and dwells constantly in His presence, no curse is permitted to reign over his life, as it must first go through God and Christ before it gets to him. We know from God’s Word that this will definitely fail (Num 23:19-24, Isa 54:17, Zec 2:8, Col 3:3). Go into today knowing that as you hide your life in Christ Jesus, you shall never be a victim, as no divination, curse or spell is permitted to rest over your life. Your immunity is assured. -Chibo E.C Get AUDIO SERMONS here☞ Yearly Bible Reading: Psalms 45-47 Streamglobe in interdenominational. Kindly join in sharing this Devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together. You can always get the devotional here☞ Source: Devotional Play in new window | Download (Duration: 9:53 — 2.9MB)Subscribe: RSS
Romans 8:13 (NLT) For if you live by its dictates, you will die. But if through the power of the Spirit you put to death the deeds of your sinful nature, you will live. When Osas got to the university, he came in contact with some preachers that made him believe that his conduct didn’t matter as long as he had once believed in Jesus. He started listening to these teachers and now despised his former preachers as ‘teachers of the law’. He continued to follow these teachers and was now emboldened to continue in certain sins that he had struggled with in the past. A terrible quarrel broke out between Osas and his choir director because the Choir director stole his girlfriend. He was grieved by the fellowship because they took sides with the choir director against him. Because of this grief in his heart, he stopped going to church and started questioning Christianity. After some time, he became an atheist because there was no more faith in his heart unto salvation. If a believer continues to listen to such preachers as the ones Osas met on campus, they will give him doctrines to appease his mind while he is violating his conscience with sin. Unknown to him, his faith is being gradually eroded as sin is a hostile force against faith (see Rom 14:23). Brazenly continuing in any sin (and constantly violating the conscience) can lead to a shipwreck of faith (see 1 Tim 1:19). This is when there is no more faith left in the heart unto salvation. This was what Judas Iscariot was toiling with when he was following Jesus but was continuing in his sin of stealing (John 12:6). This was the trap the devil planned for Peter because denying Jesus not once, but thrice, would have been enough blows to his conscience to cause his faith to fail. But the Lord interceded for him (see Luke 22:31). Go into today remembering that rebelliously walking in any known sin is the way people have a shipwreck of their faith. -SD Abraham Yearly Bible Reading: I Samuel 26-31 Streamglobe in interdenominational. Kindly join in sharing this Devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together.WhatsApp: +2348034420524 Source: Devotional Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS