1 Corinthians 1:3 (NET)

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!

A certain missionary took the gospel to a West African village. The first household he visited, they greeted him warmly and offered him some food and water because they perceived he was coming from a far journey. He told them the reason why he came to their village and shared the gospel with them. They knew there was something glorious about him, so their father wanted him to stay with them in their house. Everyone in that household eventually accepted the Lord Jesus and became born again. They later observed that since the time the missionary stayed in their house, everything started going well with them. Their farm became unusually fruitful, and their livestock became very productive. They also observed that their sickly children were now healthy and strong. All these good things happened to them because of the peace of Christ that rested upon their household through the missionary.

Jesus told his disciples that if they went preaching and found a home deserving, they should let their peace rest upon that home, but if the home is not deserving, they should let their peace return to them (see Matt 10:13).

In the world today, peace is understood to be the absence of war. But the peace that Jesus gives is far more than that (John 14:27). It is a spiritual force that causes everything to work properly. It is a spiritual empowerment that ensures well-being, health, and prosperity. It has the ability to garrison the soul of a person against anxiety and fears (see Phil 4:7).

It is worthy of note that Grace was mentioned before peace in Paul’s salutation to the Corinthians. This is because peace is made available because of grace. It is unmerited and has been fully paid for by Christ Jesus.

Go into today asking the Lord to fill your life with His peace.

-SD Abraham

Yearly Bible Reading: Jeremiah 17-21 (Available in Today’s Audio)

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