If you wish to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio Directly from us on WhatsApp, join our international WhatsApp Group Here☞ Download Today’s Audio☞ 1 Corinthians 3:9 (NET) We are coworkers belonging to God. You are God’s field, God’s building. Apostle Paul was a tent maker (this made him a builder). He usually built for his clients and received his payment at the end of the project. This was mostly how he sustained himself and paid his bills while ministering the gospel to the pagans. He used the illustration of building to explain certain truths to the Corinthians. He likened the ministry work he was doing among them to a building project. But just like his building projects, this building was not his own but the Lord’s and he would be rewarded for his work on it. When he said we are God’s coworkers, he was referring particularly to himself and every other minister of God like Apollos who had ministered and were ministering to the Corinthians. We would see that he went ahead to explain the part of the building he was responsible for, and how others were responsible for other parts of the building. He left a sublime warning to every other person building among the Corinthians to be careful how they build because just like an earthly builder, they would be judged according to how consistent with the master plan their building turns out to be. Many people have set out to build for God without receiving a building plan. They build because others are building and cannot build properly because they are not building according to the master plan. Go into today remembering that we are co-workers for the Lord. We do not belong to ourselves, and the work does not belong to us. At the end of the day, we shall give account for our work and be rewarded accordingly. Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you build correctly according to His plan. —SD Abraham Not yet saved? Tap here☞ YBR: Proverbs 4 (in today’s audio) Streamglobe is interdenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your friends and let’s touch lives together. We’d love to hear from you. Send us your prayer requests, praise reports, etc: WhatsApp: +2348079816967 Source: Devotional
If you wish to be getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio Directly from us on WhatsApp, join our international WhatsApp Group Here☞ Download Today’s Audio☞ 1 Corinthians 3:8 (NET) The one who plants and the one who waters work as one, but each will receive his reward according to his work. When Ebele started preaching the gospel on campus, he noticed that it was very easy for him to bring people to accept the Lord Jesus. Even the most hardened unbelievers were being convicted and repenting. Sometimes, there was the manifestation of the prophetic and the miraculous when he preached, and this made it very easy for him to bring people to see the light of the gospel. But Ebele noticed that it was not that easy for him to disciple the many people he had led to the Lord. This was a great concern to him. He noticed that one of the brothers in the fellowship had a powerful teaching anointing and was also very successful in discipling people. He started drawing close to this brother and encouraging him to help disciple the many people that had come to the Lord through his preaching. Because of this arrangement, many of those who now believed remained in the Lord and grew greatly. Many times, there has been a great harvest of souls through powerful gospel crusades and campaigns, but many of those new believers went back to the word because there was no proper follow-up and discipleship. There is the need for those who have the ministry to plant and those who have the ministry to water to begin to work as one. This is when we will take full advantage of the harvest that our Lord has paid for. The ministries in the body of Christ can be divided into two departments. There are those who plant, and there are those who water. Every Christian must be involved in one of these. Go into today remembering that everyone will be rewarded according to the work he has done. If you are not doing anything in this regard, it is time to wake up because you will give account of your stewardship before the Lord. —SD Abraham Get FREE SERMONS here☞ YBR: Psalms 69-71 (in today’s audio) Streamglobe is interdenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together. We’d love to hear from you. Send us your prayer requests, praise reports, etc: WhatsApp: +2348079816967 Source: Devotional
If you wish to be getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio Directly from us on WhatsApp, join our international WhatsApp Group Here☞ Download Today’s Audio☞ 1 Corinthians 3:7 (NET) So neither the one who plants counts for anything, nor the one who waters, but God who causes the growth. One of the biggest temptations set men over ministries face today is the temptation to make themselves count for everything. When this happens, God is no more at the center of the ministry but they. At this point, [from heaven’s perspective], such a ministry ceases to grow even if it is physically exploding in growth. One of the signs of this is that such a ministry would cease to make disciples of Christ, but would only succeed in cloning people after the image of the set man. People who do not know God, but know the motions and the lingo. People whose lives do not bear fruit because even though their heads are full, their hearts are empty. It is instructive that in today’s Bible verse we see that Paul said ‘neither he that planted (Paul) or he that watered (Apollos) counts for anything…’ Paul understood this truth and God remained at the center of the ministry. The error of people-centered ministry usually begins when the set man (or men) begin to think that they are responsible for the growth in the ministry. They forget that only God could have given such growth. If this mindset is not checked, the ministry would gradually shift from a Jesus centered ministry to a man-centered ministry. Go into today remembering that it is only God-centered ministries that count before God. Remeber that everyone’s work will be tested by fire and some will suffer loss on that day because they did not build according to God’s pattern(see 1 Cor 3:14-15). Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you build in such a way that on that day you will not suffer loss but will receive a reward. —SD Abraham Get FREE SERMONS here☞ YBR: I Kings 10-13 (in today’s audio) Streamglobe is interdenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your friends and let’s touch lives together. We’d love to hear from you. Send us your prayer requests, praise reports, etc: WhatsApp: +2348079816967 Source: Devotional
If you wish to be getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio Directly from us on WhatsApp, join our international WhatsApp Group Here☞ Download Today’s Audio☞ 1 Corinthians 3:5-6 (NET) What is Apollos, really? Or what is Paul? Servants through whom you came to believe, and each of us in the ministry the Lord gave us. I planted, Apollos watered, but God caused it to grow. When Jide became a pastor, his major concern was church growth. He wanted people to come in their numbers to the local church assembly he led. He was expecting growth and asking for growth, but wasn’t planting and watering. His idea of church growth was simply limited to numerical growth which was a result of creating a conducive worship environment for people who came by invitation to want to come back. The method of growth he expected was one that took advantage of what others have planted. He was not making any effort to bring sinners into the kingdom of God. All his effort was focused at causing people who already believe to leave their churches and start coming to his own. Before you can expect God to give increase to any work of ministry you do, there has to be planting, and there has to be constant watering. You cannot separate real church growth from evangelism and active discipleship. It could be media (radio, television, print) or house to house evangelism, but there has to proper evangelism and proper discipleship for there to be proper church growth. There is the increase that God gives and there is the false increase that man orchestrates. To receive the increase that God gives, the ministry must be involved in planting and watering. Go into today remembering that soul winning and discipleship is the most important assignments of any local church assembly. The devil will always try to distract the church from the core assignments into focusing on other less important but high sounding things. Prayer: Ask the Lord to show you how to properly plant and water so that His increase will come to every work He has entrusted you with. —SD Abraham Get FREE SERMONS here☞ YBR: Leviticus 1-3 (in today’s audio) Streamglobe is interdenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your friends and let’s touch lives together. We’d love to hear from you. Send us your prayer requests, praise reports, etc: WhatsApp: +2348079816967 Source: Devotional
If you wish to be getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio Directly from us on WhatsApp, join our international WhatsApp Group Here☞ Download Today’s Audio☞ Acts 8:34-35 (NKJV)So the eunuch answered Philip and said, “I ask you, of whom does the prophet say this, of himself or of some other man?” Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning at this Scripture, preached Jesus to him. I found this quote: “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt”, on a website, and saw that it had an unknown source. Searching further, I saw it was attributed to Abraham Lincoln in a post, while elsewhere, it was credited to a man named Mark Twain. But sadly, unknown to most, this quote has its roots directly from the Word of God (Pro 17:27-28). So are many wise sayings which form principles by which societies in the world abide by today. They have their roots in scriptures but have been reworded and secularized, to exclude Christ as their source. From our Bible text, it is evident that all books of the Bible (Old and New Testament) point to the Messiah as their central theme. None should be overlooked because of lack of understanding, but rather, they should be studied, for in them Christ is revealed. Like Philip, we will also encounter unbelievers who are familiar with certain verses or quotes from the Bible. In such situations, we must be ready to show them Christ as the true source. This will happen if we decide to spend more time in his word and with prayer, allow the Holy Spirit reveal its meaning to us. As an assurance from God, if we live this way, we will always have a response to give about our faith without fear, as we witness to others (Lk 21:14-15, 1Jn 2:27, 2 Pet 3:14b-15). Go into today with the awareness that Christ is the focus throughout all the pages of the scripture. And as you spend time studying His word, you will not be put to shame (2 Tim 2:15). —SD Abraham YBR: Ephesians 1-3 (in today’s audio) Kindly share this Interdenominational Devotional with friends and let’s touch lives together. We’d love to hear from you. Send us your prayer requests, praise reports, etc: WhatsApp: +2348079816967 Source: Devotional
If you wish to be getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio Directly from us on WhatsApp Daily, join our international WhatsApp Group Here☞ Download Today’s Audio☞ Galatians 1:10 (AMPC)10 Now am I trying to win the favor of men, or of God? Do I seek to please men? If I were still seeking popularity with men, I should not be a bond servant of Christ (the Messiah). Mary’s friends were really cool. They were lively, amiable, and smart and they also all attended fellowship in school, but as they were preparing for their 100level examination, they began to make plans on how to ‘collaborate’ in the exam hall. Mary knew this was wrong as it was exam malpractice. She expected Sheila to say something, this is because Sheila belonged to the prayer band and was considered the most spiritual among them. But to her surprise, Sheila not only didn’t correct them, she even went ahead to suggest the sitting arrangement. What could she do? Was she to be the one to point out that this was wrong? Won’t they think she is being ‘holier-than-thou’ if she says something? But you see, the child/servant of God must have only one person he seeks to please; God. His loyalty to God must be complete. To do this he must trust God’s love and wisdom. That is, he must know and believe that God’s love for our friends (and the world indeed) is greater than ours for them, and that His way is always better. Our minds must be configured to always seek God’s approval above every other person’s. We must be like the 2 Tim 2:3-4 soldiers whose sole aim is to satisfy and please the one who enlisted us. If that were Mary’s state of mind, she would have no trouble pointing out to her friends that their plans were wrong and that she could not be a part of it should they choose to go ahead with it. Approach life with this understanding; only God’s approval has eternal rewards. —Ikechukwu Mpama YBR: Luke 9-10 (in today’s audio) Kindly share this Interdenominational Devotional with friends and let’s touch lives together. We’d love to hear from you. Send us your prayer requests, praise reports, etc: WhatsApp: +2348079816967 Source: Devotional
If you wish to be getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio Directly from us on WhatsApp, join our international WhatsApp Group Here☞ Download Today’s Audio☞ 1 Corinthians 3:4 (NKJV) For when one says, “I am of Paul,” and another, “I am of Apollos,” are you not carnal? Gbolabo was made to believe that their church was the only living church and most other Christians out there were not true Christians because they didn’t dress like the people in his church and believe in their apostle. But when he went to the university, he met other believers and he could not deny that they knew the Lord. He had a roommate that practically walked in the miraculous. One day, another roommate of theirs was very ill and was looking like he would die. As soon this other roommate came around, he laid his hand on the sick roommate and started praying in tongues. He prayed this way for about ten minutes, and it was clear that he was praying with great power in the Spirit. By the time he removed his hand from the sick roommate’s head, he was totally healed. This experience made Gbolabo ask the roommate that prayed what his secret was. This was how Gbolabo was intruded to faith building books and to a life of prayer. As Gbolabo began to read these books and develop a more intimate relationship with the Lord through prayer, he grew spiritually and became more open-hearted. He was no longer denominationally minded. We can see from today’s Bible verse that a sign that a believer is not spiritually mature is that he will have party spirit. He will be such that believes that there are no real Christians outside his denomination, or that his understanding of the gospel is the only accurate one and every other believer is fake. We all have different persuasions, but there is one thing that makes a person a believer. Believing and accepting the Lordship of Christ Jesus and living under this Lordship. Anyone that denies this is not a believer. Go into today remembering that when a person looks down on other believers, he is not rightly discerning the body. —SD Abraham YBR: Lamentations 1-5 (in today’s audio) Kindly share this Interdenominational Devotional with friends and let’s touch lives together. We’d love to hear from you. Send us your prayer requests, praise reports, etc: WhatsApp: +2348079816967 Source: Devotional
If you wish to be getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio Directly from us on WhatsApp, join our international WhatsApp Group Here☞ Download Today’s Audio☞ 1 Corinthians 3:3 (NET) for you are still influenced by the flesh. For since there is still jealousy and dissension among you, are you not influenced by the flesh and behaving like unregenerate people? A preacher read yesterday’s devotional and was quite confused because he did not know how to determine when his listeners are spiritually mature. He also wondered if a time would come when all the people listening to him would be mature enough for him to teach them the mysteries of the kingdom since new believers were added daily. A couple of times, I have found myself preparing a sermon, but found it almost impossible to deliver to the people. But as I depend on the Holy Spirit, I receive an entirely different message for them. When a minister yields to the Holy Spirit, he would find that he cannot teach some things to certain people because they are not yet ready for it. In today’s Bible text, we can see that Apostle Paul knew how to discern those who are spiritually mature from those who are spiritual babies. The major way to identify mature believers is that they are spiritual. They are controlled by the Spirit and no more by the flesh. For example, if you see believers who are worldly, or who easily quarrel, or get angry easily, it is most likely because they have not grown up spiritually. Spiritual growth is not primarily a function of how long you have been a believer, it is a function of how yielded you are to the Lord; how submitted you are to His will. Those who are given to the study of the word and prayer grow faster than those who are not. Go into today remembering that those who are still spiritual babes do not walk in their spiritual authority. This is the reason why believers can still be walking under limitations imposed by the kingdom of darkness. —SD Abraham Get AUDIO SERMONS here☞ Bible Yearly: Proverbs 2-3 (Available in Today’s Audio) Streamglobe is nondenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your contacts and let’s Touch lives together. WhatsApp: +2348079816967 Source: Devotional
If you wish to be getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio Directly from us on WhatsApp, join our international WhatsApp Group Here☞ Download Today’s Audio☞ 1 Corinthians 3:1-2 (KJV) And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ. I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able. When Maureen had her first child, her mother came from the village to help take care of the baby. Two months later, Maureen had to travel to take a very important professional exam she had missed because of pregnancy illness. She made enough breastmilk available in the refrigerator for the baby. Her mother knew exactly what to do to warm the milk and feed the baby. But there was an unexpected power outage for three days and the milk went bad. Maureen’s mother tried feeding the baby with baby formula, but he rejected it every time. She eventually decided to try feeding him with custard, and he loved it. The next day, she noticed that he was running a fever. When they got to the doctor, the doctor said the fever was because the baby found it difficult to digest the custard. He recommended another baby formula that the baby liked. After Paul preached the gospel in Corinth, he started teaching the new believers the rudiments of the faith (see Heb 5:1-2). Just like an experienced doctor, he knew that if you feed spiritual newborn babes anything other than doctrinal milk, it would be difficult for them to comprehend, and it may cause spiritual disease instead of spiritual growth. One of the most troubling things I see today is teachers teaching spiritual babes doctrines that are meant for the spiritually mature. When these spiritual babes, in turn, begin to teach these doctrines from their imperfect understanding, they end up teaching heresy. —SD Abraham Bible Yearly: Psalms 66-68 (Available in Today’s Audio) Streamglobe is nondenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your contacts and let’s Touch lives together. WhatsApp: +2348079816967 Source: Devotional
If you wish to be getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio Directly from us on WhatsApp, join our international WhatsApp Group Here☞ Download Today’s Audio☞ Joshua 17:15 (NKJV)So Joshua answered them, “If you are a great people, then go up to the forest country and clear a place for yourself there in the land of the Perizzites and the giants, since the mountains of Ephraim are too confined for you.” Have you ever felt confined and like you’re not living or operating at the level you know your God-given abilities can take you? If yes, then you’re not alone as this seems to be the case for almost everybody. From our scripture text, the Ephraimites saw themselves as big but were not ready to prove it where it mattered. In truth, they, just like us, were indeed a people of great heritage who have been commanded by Christ to occupy till He comes (1 Pet 2:9, Lk 19:13 KJV). The problem isn’t a lack of inheritance for us believers to dominate in various spheres of our society, but lack of boldness to step into these areas in faith. Not only must we clear the forest of doubt, we must also be ready to confront the demonic giants already on the ground. We must know for sure that these giants, regardless of how they appear, won’t vacate for us to occupy without it being forceful. However, our response must be like Joshua’s; that we have great power and with that power, we are able to drive them out (Jos 17:17-18, Matt 11:12, Mk 16:17, Acts 1:8) Go into today with the understanding that you possess the greatest Power in Christ Jesus to reign in life and that you cannot be confined or limited by any situation. —Chibo E.C. Bible Yearly: I Kings 5-9 (Available in Today’s Audio) Streamglobe is interdenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your contacts and let’s Touch lives together Source: Devotional