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John 6:35 (NKJV)
And Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.

Further Reading: John 7:37 – 39 NKJV

One famous kind of bread you’ll find in bakeries all over the world is the baguette. When stale, it can become very hard, and if eaten in this condition without any liquid, this French bread of high quality can be deadly to its eater by way of choking. Therefore, it is advised that a fluid which aids digestion accompany its consumption.

Similarly, many believers are also choked and can’t seem to relate what they read in God’s word with their physical reality (Mk 4:18-19). The Word, though given to us as our spiritual bread, still has to be properly eaten and well digested in our inner man before its life-giving nutrients are beneficial to us.

Using the Israelites or the prophet Elijah as examples, when God feeds people, He not only gives them food but gives them a diet that is so balanced and complete, to satisfy both their hunger and thirst (Exo 16:13-15; 17:6,1Kgs 19:5-8).

One may survive for a time with only solids but would fare less without water. So it is with the one who gets by, using head knowledge or mental assent in a legalistic approach to the Word of God without the Spirit’s interpretation (2Cor 3:6).

As you study God’s Word from today, ask the Holy Spirit to open your understanding. As you do so, you’ll be filled and well-nourished to grow and fulfill God’s will for your life (Col 1:9, 2Pet 1:2, 2Pet 3:18).

—Chibo E.C

Bible in 1 Year: II Kings 6-10 (in today’s audio)
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