James 5:16b (NLT)

…The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.


Dare observed that the Holy Spirit moved him to pray and each time he prayed he was empowered in the inner man. His spirit was energized and the power of his flesh to control him was diminished.

But he also observed that if he continually neglected the nudging to pray, his flesh would become powerful again and his spirit relatively weak. He decided that he was now going to be committed to prayer like never before. He observed that the more committed he was to prayer and the ministry of the word, he became spiritually stable and strong.

We are instructed time and time again by the Lord and through His apostles to be prayerful (see Luke 18:1, Col 4:2, 1 Thes 5:17, Rom 12:22, Eph 6:18). This is because it is through prayer that we access the power of God we need for life and godliness. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous person makes much power available (James 5:16). ‘Prayerless’ Christians are powerless Christians.

Jesus told His disciples to pray so that they would not fall into temptation (Mark 14:38). The power to overcome temptation is made available when we pray.

Go into today remembering that the way to stand is by ‘praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit’ (Ephesians 6:18). Ask the Lord to help you to this end.

-SD Abraham
Yearly Bible Reading: Job 29-30
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Source: Devotional

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