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Revelation 12:11 (KJV)
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

Sukanmi was afflicted and he knew the reason why. There was a time in his life that he was sinfully careless and opened the door to the devil. But he had since repented.

Because he knew that the door to his affliction was opened when he backslid and took an adventure into the world, Sukanmi didn’t have the courage to resist the devil and receive his freedom.

But through the ministry of the word, the Lord opened his eyes one night to the power and effect of the blood of Jesus. He now realized that because of the blood of Jesus, he was redeemed out of the hand of the devil, and was justified before God – just as if he had never sinned. That same week, he permanently broke free from the affliction of the devil.

Before Satan can afflict people, he has to first successfully accuse them before the throne of God (see Job 1:9-12— how Satan accused Job before God and got the license to afflict him). Because all have sinned, and the natural tendencies of fallen man are sinful, the devil rarely runs out of potent accusations against people. Based on that, no descendant of Adam can overcome him on his own merit of righteousness.

But Jesus came to be the sacrifice that atones for our sins (1 John 2:2): He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity, chastised that we may have peace, and flogged that we may be healed (Isaiah 53:5). Because innocent righteous Jesus was made to suffer for our sins, if we believe in Him and abide in Him, we would not suffer again for our sins.

By the blood of Jesus, Satan’s legal right to afflict you has been removed because Jesus has been afflicted in your stead.

Based on our own righteousness, we could never overcome [the dark powers of the kingdom of] this world. But because of Jesus’ blood that is the receipt for the price Jesus paid to make us the righteousness of God, we are overcomers!

Go into today remembering that through the blood of Jesus, we overcome Satan and walk in dominion. Hallelujah!

Confession: By the blood of Jesus, my sins have been forgiven. By the blood of Jesus, I have been justified and cleansed. By the blood of Jesus, I have been redeemed out of the hand of the devil. Hallelujah! (Repeat this confession).

-Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi
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Bible in One Year: Exodus 9-12 (In Devotional Audio)Streamglobe is interdenominational and nondenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together.

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