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Quench not the Spirit.
During a fire safety class, several methods of putting out fires (in the absence of experienced firefighters) were demonstrated. One of such methods employed was a fire blanket whose function was to suffocate and stop the fire from receiving oxygen which will eventually lead to it being extinguished.
As we grow in our walk with God, it becomes clear, as our verse of scripture indicates that we must strive to see that we keep our flames burning. By reason of man’s fall, there exists already, a blanket cast over all nations, that chokes the lamps of all men to death through sin, until one comes to Christ (Isa 25:7-8).  
This blanket is the blanket of ignorance in the knowledge of the Word (Hos 4:6), which then results in a foolishness, that smothers one’s sensitivity to the Spirit, thereby quenching one’s spiritual fire. This same effect was what according to the scriptures, made certain virgins miss out on an invited wedding feast, as a result of their lamps going out (Matt 25:8).
On the contrary, the oxygen that fuels our fire is wisdom gotten from the knowledge of the Word of God. Our spirit is the lamp through which God reaches out to us (Pro 20:27) and not investing time in fueling it with oxygen is like us walking with a blanket over our lamps.
Keeping our flames burning means we must daily fan our fire by studying, understanding, meditating and practicing what God’s word says. It is our responsibility to see to it, that it is not quenched, as if we don’t, we risk being in danger of missing out on God’s kingdom.

Go into today feeding the fire of your spirit with the Word of God and as you do so, your path will get brighter till you reach your desired destination (Ps 119:105).
—Chibo E.C.

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Bible Yearly: I Kings 1-4 (Available in Today’s Audio)
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Source: Devotional

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