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Proverbs 27:17 (NKJV)
As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.

Many things were happening in Felix’s life and he was beginning to feel overwhelmed. He couldn’t pray like before, and he could sense his spiritual strength waning.

He decided to visit his friend Emmanuel. He spent two hours in Emmanuel’s house and they spent the time trying to catch up on current happenings. As their manner was, they also discussed the Word of God.

As Felix left Emmanuel’s house, he felt strengthened in his spirit. He could now pray and enjoy the presence of God like he once did. This was because the time he spent with his friend was a time of spiritual sharpening.

When iron knives or swords rub on each other, they sharpen each other in the process. But when Iron continually rubs on wood, it becomes blunt.

When two believers mingle with each other, because they are of the same kind of spiritual material, they sharpen each other. But when a believer communes with an unbeliever for long, he will become spiritually blunt. Bluntness manifests as ineffectiveness in prayers, unnecessary fears, faithlessness and lowered spiritual strength, etc.

In Isaiah 41:15, we see that God makes us into sharp threshing instruments having teeth. We stay sharp by keeping the right company.

Go into today remembering that having fellowship with friends who fear the Lord strengthens and sharpens you. Ask the Lord to deliver you from unequal yokes with unbelievers.

Prayer: If you don’t have friends who sharpen you, ask the Lord to send such friends your way.

-SD Abraham
Yearly Bible Reading: Exodus 1-4 (In Devotional Audio)
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