1 Corinthians 3:3 (NET)
for you are still influenced by the flesh. For since there is still jealousy and dissension among you, are you not influenced by the flesh and behaving like unregenerate people?
A preacher read yesterday’s devotional and was quite confused because he did not know how to determine when his listeners are spiritually mature. He also wondered if a time would come when all the people listening to him would be mature enough for him to teach them the mysteries of the kingdom since new believers were added daily.
A couple of times, I have found myself preparing a sermon, but found it almost impossible to deliver to the people. But as I depend on the Holy Spirit, I receive an entirely different message for them. When a minister yields to the Holy Spirit, he would find that he cannot teach some things to certain people because they are not yet ready for it.
In today’s Bible text, we can see that Apostle Paul knew how to discern those who are spiritually mature from those who are spiritual babies.
The major way to identify mature believers is that they are spiritual. They are controlled by the Spirit and no more by the flesh.
For example, if you see believers who are worldly, or who easily quarrel, or get angry easily, it is most likely because they have not grown up spiritually.
Spiritual growth is not primarily a function of how long you have been a believer, it is a function of how yielded you are to the Lord; how submitted you are to His will. Those who are given to the study of the word and prayer grow faster than those who are not.
Go into today remembering that those who are still spiritual babes do not walk in their spiritual authority. This is the reason why believers can still be walking under limitations imposed by the kingdom of darkness.
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Source: Devotional