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Matthew 12:35 (NET)
The good person brings good things out of his good treasury, and the evil person brings evil things out of his evil treasury.

I was recently watching some of my friends as they played scrabble. I observed that the person who won the game was the one convinced that he was going to win, even though from my estimation, the other person knew more words and really understood the game. Prosperity is spiritual, and it begins with the way we think.

What you believe about yourself is very important, and it goes a long way in determining your destiny. This is the reason why God does not draw back from reminding us time and time again that we are blessed people as His children(see Gal 3:9, Psalm 134:3, Eph 1:3, Deut 28:3-6, among others). He knows that we would begin to walk in that reality when we actually believe it.

The treasury of a man is his heart. As a man thinks in his heart so is he (Prov 23:7).

People who always have negative and bad thoughts of suspicion end up as bad people, but people who have good thoughts of love and goodwill will end up as good people.

I have realized that the same situation would produce different outcomes in different people because of the way they think. What some may see as a terrible setback to destroy them, others would see as a challenge for personal growth and victory.

A man already defeated in his heart is a defeated man in reality.

It is an aberration for a disciple of Christ Jesus to believe that he is under a curse. Refuse such thoughts no matter what you see to the contrary, and let your faith in God’s Word [that says you have been blessed] crystalize the manifestation of the blessing.

Go into today guarding your heart with all diligence. Ensure that the negative thoughts of defeat do not reside there.

Prayer: heavenly father, please help me discard all negative thought patterns and have the mind of Christ. Amen.

—Abraham Damilola Arigi.

Bible in one year: Matthew 17-19

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