Matthew 7:11 (NKJV) If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!

Most good earthly fathers and mothers don’t have to wait for their children to ask them for things they need before they give them. Sometimes, our earthly fathers and mothers are the ones to notice that we have a need and meet it before we even realize that we have such needs.

But God is more gracious than the best parents in this world. As a matter of fact, when you compare the goodness of the best man to that of God, that man would seem like an evil person. That’s why Jesus said in today’s Bible verse that ‘if ye then, being evil… ‘

Why then do we need to ask our heavenly Father before we receive certain things from Him? Why does He keep encouraging us in different parts of His word to ask in order to receive (see Psalm 2:8, Matt 7:7, James 1:5, James 4:2b, etc)? Being so good and loving and kind, why doesn’t He just give us all we need and we not needing to ask Him first?

When God made man after His image and likeness, He created in man the ability to have self-will and self-government, and man was to live by submitting this will and government to God. Through the fall, man declared independence from God, and in effect, disconnected himself from the life and government of God. Because God had already given man dominion over this realm(see Psa 115:16, ps 8:6) and God does not go back on His word, man was now the master of his destiny and Satan his master through sin.

Now that God is redeeming man from the fall, He needs men to ask Him before He can do certain things for them. Asking God concerning your needs [and wants] does not inform Him about them (He already knows them), asking Him gives Him the spiritual legal license and access to invade your life and help you. Many times, He needs us to give Him this license by asking Him, that’s why He keeps reminding us to ask.

Because of the fall, almost every action of man is saying to God that ‘I do not need you. I can survive on my own’. Asking God would undo that and say ‘I need you’. And there are times we need to continually consciously keep asking so as to sufficiently undo the rebellion that the accuser of brethren is using as a legal ground against us.

Go into today remembering that prayer is earthly permission for heavenly invasion. Let heaven invade your life today with God’s goodness.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to give you the grace to always pray according to His will.

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—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Plan: Psalms 149-150 (In Devotional Audio)

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