Luke 16:16 [NET] “The law and the prophets were in force until John; since then, the good news of the kingdom of God has been proclaimed, and everyone is urged to enter it.

The primary reason the religious leaders and Pharisees crucified Jesus was that He said he was the Son of God. They understood that this claim meant He was saying He was God and Lord (see John 5:18). They killed him because they believed He blasphemed and was deserving of death. But as proof that Jesus didn’t tell a lie, God raised him up on the third day.

Therefore the resurrection of Jesus was proof that He was indeed the Son of God, and this became the major linchpin of the gospel message (see Rom 10:9). But note that the gospel message was preached by Jesus and His disciples before Jesus died and resurrected (see Matthew 4:23; 9:35; Luke 4:43; Luke 8:1). Remember that Jesus sent the twelve and the seventy to preach the gospel at different times, and He Himself went around preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom.

Some have argued that the good news of the kingdom only arrived after Jesus was resurrected, but today’s Bible verse shows that they are wrong.

Why is it important to know this? Because Christians must understand that the teachings of Christ are the foundation and pillar of Christian doctrine. They are not to be discarded as Old Testament texts not meant for Christians.

When Jesus commissioned His apostles to go into the world and make disciples of nations, he instructed them to teach the new disciples to obey everything He had commanded them (see Mat 28:20).

Go into today knowing that if what the Lord taught does not appear to align with your understanding of the gospel message, your understanding is wrong.
—Abraham Dami Arigi

Yearly Plan: Leviticus 10-12 (In Devotional Audio)

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