Colossians 1:13 (NET) He delivered us from the power of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of the Son he loves

When Ebuka first heard the gospel message, he knew he was walking under the power of an ancestral curse. His elder brother’s first daughter died at birth. His younger brother had also just lost his first daughter too. There were other aspects of this ancestral curse that manifested, and Ebuka knew that he was under the dominion of the dark powers responsible for this curse on his family.

When he received the gospel and believed it, one of the most exciting things about it was that he was no longer under the dominion of darkness but now brought to the dominion of Christ.

Somehow he knew that the extent to which he submitted to the dominion of Christ (that he was now translated into) was the extent to which he would walk outside of the physical manifestation of the dominion of darkness (that he was now delivered from). He decided to live a life that is totally sold out to Christ and His kingdom. This is how he lived a life that was totally free from the influence of the very dark forces that had held his entire family captive for generations.

God did not just deliver you from the kingdom and dominion of darkness, He transferred you into the kingdom of Christ Jesus.

It is the authority of this new kingdom that enforces the reality of your deliverance. When a law is given, it may appear as if it does not exist if it is not enforced by the appropriate authorities.

Go into today remembering that it is by the authority of Christ’s kingdom that you enter into the experience of your freedom.
—Dr. Emmanuel James

Yearly Plan: II Chronicles 16-20 (In Devotional Audio)

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