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Galatians 5:24 (NET)

Now those who belong to Christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

What does the Bible verse above really mean? What does it mean to belong to Christ?

When you became born again, you needed to accept that Jesus is Lord. What this meant is that you accepted the Lordship of Christ over your life. It meant you now brought yourself under the authority and government of Christ, and you now belong to Him because He is now your Lord. Lord also means owner.

It is only those who have accepted Christ’s Lordship that will experience His power of salvation. Those who have not yet accepted His Lordship cannot receive His salvation.

One of the signs that a person has accepted the Lordship of Christ is that they repent and stop doing the things that they know their Lord does not want. Repentance is always proof that a person has truly believed and received the Lordship of Christ.

We enter into God’s salvation and kingdom by faith, but this faith has to be living and not dead faith. Any faith that does not produce works (obedience to the kingdom of Christ) is dead faith (See James 2:14-20).

When you believe that Jesus is Lord, it means you accept His Lordship over your life. This acceptance will regulate your life according to His word. It will make you crucify the flesh with its passions and desires. The Holy Spirit empowers you to do this.

Only those who live the crucified life experience the reality of His Lordship. They are the ones who truly reap the benefits of belonging to Christ.

Go into today remembering that believing in the Lord Jesus means bringing your life under His lordship and authority, it means you receiving Him. When this happens, you will walk in the power of a son of God (see John 1:12).

-Pastor SD Abraham

Yearly Bible Plan: I Peter 4-5 (In Devotional Audio)

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