Psalms 14:2 (NET) The Lord looks down from heaven at the human race, to see if there is anyone who is wise and seeks God.

One of the signs of wisdom is that people will seek the Lord. One of the biggest privileges we have through the indwelling Holy Spirit is the wisdom(Isaiah 11:2) of God which manifests in the desire to seek the Lord. When a believer observes that he no longer has the desire to spend quality time seeking the Lord, it is an indication of a spiritual disease.

The way God created us as humans, we are not self-sufficient. We need the help of God to survive and prosper. Only fools do not realize this. Over the course of human history, as iniquity abounded, many turned away from the true God, and in order for them to get the much-needed spiritual help that humans need, they looked to idols and other gods(principalities and powers: spiritual wickedness in heavenly places). These are the gods that the nations worshiped, and many still worship today.

But we have the privilege through our Lord Jesus Christ to access God the father and creator of all things. This privilege should never be taken for granted. We do not only have the privilege to know God but we also have the privilege to reconcile people to God. We do this by preaching the gospel and making disciples of all people. This is the most important thing going on in the world today: people being reconciled to God.

Go into today remembering that the source of your life and prosperity is in staying connected to God.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to deliver you from everything that seeks to hinder your fellowship with Him.

—Abraham Dami Arigi

Bible in 1 Year: I Kings 19-22
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Word Encounter Meeting will not be held today but has been postponed to next week.

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