Hebrews 4:10 (KJV) For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.

Eno was heartbroken as she spoke with Bose on the phone. “It happened again”, she said “in spite of my best efforts. Why is it so hard to obey God even when one wants to?” she lamented.

The sentiments of Eno are one almost every believer can relate with. Chances are that you have either had such a struggle once in your life and walk with God, or you are currently undergoing such yourself. Here is the thing, in the matter of righteousness, desire does not equate ability. What most men have failed to realize is that it takes God’s ability to produce God’s righteousness. This understanding is crucial.

Man was never designed to please God independent of God. Sometimes, we try to impress and/or express our gratitude to God for his goodness by trying to please him by our own works, but it just won’t work. The solution is God’s Rest. In God’s Rest, man’s effort to produce righteousness of His own accord is suspended and all his efforts will be directed at trusting the Lord’s wisdom and power for righteousness.

In Genesis chapter 2 verse 2 we see the scripture testify that God rested from His work of creation. Nonetheless, every time we plant a grain of corn on the ground, God’s creative power swings into action, and germination and growth occurs. This is because God had earlier placed a law that caused plants to reproduce after their own kind. It is the same reason when a man meets with a woman (under the right biological conditions), the miracle of conception begins. Because God had said, “Be fruitful, multiply” and by so doing set in motion the consistent work/process of procreation. Likewise, when a man enters into God’s rest, God’s power is set into motion in him to produce the righteous works of God that pleases Him (See Philippians 2:12&13AMP).

So when Jesus says, “Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt 11:28), It is an invitation you want to accept with all your heart, embracing all its realities.

Pray like this: I am entering into God’s rest by faith, so I can walk in a manner pleasing unto him producing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

—Ikechukwu Mpama

Bible in 1 Year: Leviticus 4-6
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