Acts 20:32 (NET) And now I entrust you to God and to the message of his grace. This message is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.

As a little girl, Anabel was repeatedly molested by her aunt’s husband. Each time she reported the matter to her aunt, her aunt would curse her and call her a witch who has been sent to destroy her home. When she couldn’t take that hostile environment anymore, she ran away and started living with her friends who were “call girls”. She was 16 at the time.

By the time Anabel was 29, she had committed more than 18 abortions and had done so many other horrible things like joining a cult, blackmailing some of her clients, etc.

One morning, she was flipping TV channels when she saw a very popular secular musician preaching the gospel in a church. That caught her attention, and she remained on that channel to see what he had to say. That was the day she heard the true message of the gospel. She heard the testimony of how this notorious musician had accepted the Lord and was now living a life that pleases the Lord. She loved the way he and his wife were in love with one another and the Lord, and something within her knew they were legit.

One of the major points she got from that TV program was that her sins could be forgiven and never used against her in heaven again. She understood the sacrifice of Christ Jesus and how he became the payment for our sins. This was her first step to salvation.

The message of grace helps us know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ who became poor so that we through his poverty might become rich. The Lord became sin that we might become the righteousness of God.

If a person believes in the Lord Jesus and confesses him as Lord, that person becomes righteous before God and receives the power to remain holy and blameless before God.

Go into today remembering that the grace of God is the only reason any human being could ever be saved because all have sinned. Anyone who boasts of his righteousness and looks down on people because of their sins has not truly found grace but false religion.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Reading: Jude (In Devotional Audio)
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