Galatians 6:6-8 (NET) Now the one who receives instruction in the word must share all good things with the one who teaches it.Do not be deceived. God will not be made a fool. For a person will reap what he sows,because the person who sows to his own flesh will reap corruption from the flesh, but the one who sows to the Spirit will reap eternal life from the Spirit.

The first time Linda gave to the man of God through whom she had learned the way of the kingdom, she had an expectation to be blessed because she sowed into his ministry, but that expectation was not the reason she gave. She gave because she wanted to honor him and help with the work he was doing, and she got a bountiful harvest of rewards from the Lord. But after the bountiful harvest she received as a result of sowing into His life the first time, the second time Linda gave, the only reason she was giving was that she wanted to get something in return. That was why she got nothing from the LORD.


Many believers sow in the right field but not with the right motive, and because of this, they reap nothing. Giving to God only because you want something in return is not the way to sow to the spirit. Search the scriptures, and you will see that all who received a bountiful harvest because of their giving didn’t do so primarily because of the returns. They gave either because of honor, because they wanted to meet a need, or because of love for God’s kingdom. These were the people who were rewarded for their giving.

Go into today remembering that the right field to share all good things are with the ones who teach you the word.
Prayer: Ask God to purify your motives when giving so that you would not sow to the flesh and reap nothing.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible in One Year: Jeremiah 7-11 (In Devotional Audio)

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