Galatians 6:7-8 (NET) Do not be deceived. God will not be made a fool. For a person will reap what he sows, because the person who sows to his own flesh will reap corruption from the flesh, but the one who sows to the Spirit will reap eternal life from the Spirit.

Frank was a believer but he still loved the world and the things that were in the world. Because of this, he was living a life of compromises and always consoling himself with phrases like: “nobody is perfect, “we are all under grace”, “my salvation is eternal”. But instead of him walking in the power of his eternal life as a son of God, he was walking under the power of corruption like an ordinary sinful human. His life wasn’t much different from that of his unbeliever neighbors. He feared what they feared, was subject to the same things that happened to unbelievers, and spoke like they spoke when they expressed fears and uncertainties about the times. Even though Frank was a believer in the Lord Jesus, he wasn’t walking in the power of his eternal life as a son of God because he had spent his days sowing to the flesh even though he had received the new birth and the empowerment to sow to the spirit.

When you see a believer walking in the power of his eternal life, it is because he has spent quality time sowing to the Spirit and is now reaping the benefits as a result. We sow to the spirit by acting in faith, but we sow to the flesh by walking in the flesh. If you wake up in the morning and confess the word of God over life and over your day, you are sowing to the Spirit, and through those words, you’re activating the power of eternal life in various aspects of your life. Every time you act according to God’s word rather than according to the way the flesh wants, you are sowing to the Spirit instead of the flesh.

Go into today remembering that everything you do, think, and say is a seed either to the flesh yielding death and corruption or to the Spirit yielding life and peace.

Prayer: Lord, help me sow to the spirit and never again to the flesh. Let my life always give you glory and demonstrate your power. Amen.

—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible in 1 Year: Hosea 1-7

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