Romans 12:6 (NET) And we have different gifts according to the grace given to us. If the gift is prophecy, that individual must use it in proportion to his faith.
“If I had walked in these spiritual gifts a year ago, my aunt wouldn’t have died”. Ronke thought. It pained Ronke that she could have been walking in her spiritual gifts long ago if she knew what she now knows.
What exactly was it that Ronke knew? She knew that spiritual gifts were meant for her, that she didn’t have to earn them because they are gifts. Jesus has already paid for them with his life. She also acquired faith to manifest them by hearing God’s word of faith. She had learned that spiritual gifts are manifested according to one’s measure of faith, so she went for the word of God to build her faith.
Ronke noticed that she started becoming more and more conscious of the Holy Spirit and she grew in friendship with the Holy Spirit, this was a major key to her breakthrough in spiritual gifts.
We saw previously that one sign that the kingdom of God is present is that the power of God will be manifested. We are to be agents of God’s power on the earth. One way we manifest this power is through His spiritual gifts. We are to desire spiritual gifts (see 1 Cor 12:31). Our desire is bound to birth manifestations.
As you go into today, remember that the Holy Spirit is the one who distributes spiritual gifts. This means you have to be in fellowship with Him in order to activate and maximize His gifts within you.
Prayer: Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you to walk in closer communion and friendship with Him from this day. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi
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