Broadcast 3881
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Proverbs 21:4 (NET) Haughty eyes and a proud heart – the agricultural product of the wicked is sin.

Darius was very displeased with the way he was treated by his brother’s wife when he visited them. He felt she did not respect him enough, and he did not get over this offense. But unknown to him, he too was a very proud person at heart. That was why he was so grieved by his sister-in-law.

Because of this pride in his heart, anger entered his heart and hatred for his sister-in-law started to grow. It got to the point that he would tell lies against her.

When pride is allowed to remain in the heart, sin is being cultivated there. God sees a proud person as a wicked person (see Psalm 10:4). Pride and Iniquity are closely related and God calls them wickedness (see how the word ‘wickedness’ and ‘inequity’ are interchanged in Psalm 47:5 and Heb 1:9). Pride was one of the reasons Lucifer the anointed cherub fell and became Satan–Iniquity was found in him (see Eze 28:15).

God’s eyes do not behold iniquity (Habak 1:13). He does not listen to a man who regards iniquity in his heart (see Psalm 66:18). He resists the proud (see James 4:6).

It is our responsibility to guard our hearts against pride because it is a spiritual fertilizer that engenders the growth of iniquity in the heart.

One way to check for pride is by checking the rate at which you get angry. If you are very easily offended, it might be a sign that pride is in your heart.

Go into today remembering that the blood of Jesus is strong enough to wash away every pride and iniquity.

Ask the Lord to search you and purge your heart of every pride and iniquity.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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