1 Corinthians 14:15 (KJV) What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also.

Prior to praying in the Spirit, Daniel would pray only in his understanding. Most times he prayed he would find himself drifting in thought while praying. This situation continued until one day he attended an impartation service and got baptized in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues. This spiritual transformation changed his prayer life and made him now able to pray without losing focus, understand and apply the right scriptures in his prayers, and obtain tremendous answers to his prayers (including for things he couldn’t remember asking for).

Praying through can be simply put as effective communication with God. However, due to the inherent infirmity of the flesh and the human mind, there’s always that tendency for it to be burdened, afflicted, or distracted by either men or the devil, leading to voided prayers.

God primarily communicates with us by the spirit and not by the flesh. Since our mind’s ability to grasp the things of the Spirit is limited, the best way for us to pray through and obtain results is for us to pray in the Spirit (1Cor 2:10-15, 14:2).

Among other things, praying in tongues helps us present our case before God perfectly. It helps us shield our prayers from demonic obstacles and allows us wider coverage without praying amiss (Rom 8:26-27, 1Cor 14:2, Eph 6:18). Doing this consistently enables us to develop our faith to the point where our minds now begin to see the reality of answers (Jud 1:20).

Determine today to pray in tongues. As you do so, the power of God’s anointing will cause you to receive answers to your prayers, based on His promises (2Cor 1:20-22).
—Chibo E.C.

Bible In One Year: Psalms 54-56 (in today’s audio)

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