Broadcast 3989
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Ephesians 6:8 (KJV) Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.

Prayer is of great necessity for every believer. The devil will do everything to see that we lag in prayer. This is the reason why you can find the time to do everything that is important but surprisingly do not find time for prayers. Many Christians even have ample time for their personal Bible study and service in their local churches as workers, but yet do not find time for prayer. One key strategy of the enemy against prayers is to rob believers of their time for prayers and hence hinder them from praying.

To watch means to keep the eyes fixed on, to pay attention to, to consider carefully, to keep under observation, and to monitor. God says watch thereunto, speaking in reference to prayer. This means for us to keep a watch on our prayers. Ensure that your prayer happens. God in His wisdom knows that this would be a major battleground for the enemy, therefore he says ‘Watch! Always be on the alert to guard against every robbery of your prayer time. Do not wait until leisure to pray, because if you have not jealously guarded your prayer time, the opportunity for prayers during leisure will never come.

Do not be ignorant of the devil’s devices (2 Cor 2:11). He purposely creates all manner of obstacles to keep you from praying. To overcome this, you must set aside a special period, an appointed time for your prayer, or else you will have no time for prayer.
Make the time to pray, that’s the first step in victory over prayerlessness.

Today, set a specific time for your daily prayer and fellowship with God.

Prayer: Quicken me O God and I will call upon your name. Pour upon me the Spirit of grace and supplication. Give me the burning zeal and power to pray in Jesus’ name. Amen!
—CE Toviam

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