2 Timothy 1:7 (KJV) For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Tara received a message on WhatsApp that ended with a threat. It said if she failed to share the message with six of her contacts within six hours of reading it, something bad would happen to her within days. But if she shared the message, something good was going to happen to her. The message went on to tell stories of how good things have happened to people who shared it, and how horrible things happened to people who didn’t.

Interestingly enough, she read the message in the night after her internet data ran out, and could not recharge that night. Tara’s next day was disorganized because she was afraid of the threat in the message since she could not share it.

Anyone claiming to be sharing the word of God, but threatening people to share it is not doing so by the spirit of God but by witchcraft. That is the way witchcraft operates, it uses fear, intimidation, and manipulation, to make people do things they normally wouldn’t want to do. Do not open the door of fear in your life by acting in accordance with the instructions inspired by the spirit of witcraft.

People do not receive blessings from God because they clicked ‘like’ on a Facebook post or shared a message. People receive benefits from God because of their faith in God and obedience to His word (see Psalm 1).

It is interesting how some Christians can read messages created by a con artist and believe every word of it, but fail to believe every word of God that has spoken good concerning them.

Go into today remembering that God’s Word is the most powerful word in the universe and it says good concerning you. Read it, believe it, and share it in love.

—Abraham Damilola Arigi
Bible In One Year: II Kings 11-15  (In Devotional Audio)
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