Ecclesiastes 1:2-3 KJV Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun?

A young man found himself in the company of professors who had spent the better part of their lives within the four walls of the university. They were disciplined, committed, and consistent in what they did and one should want to end up like one of them. But while listening to them, this question rose up within him: “ after all these, what is next?”

You might have asked yourself a similar question too, and that is not out of place. We all must come to that point where we ask the question: “what exactly am I living for? Is life worth living?

If you follow the natural order of life where a child is born, grows to adulthood, gets married, gives birth, becomes old, and dies, you are likely going to come to the same conclusion as Solomon who said “vanity upon vanity, all is vanity”.

Is everything truly vanity? If all is vanity, then life is not worth living because it will be a purposeless dead-end. Life would be worth living though if it has no end; if it has a system of continuity that surpasses the natural order described above. Living a vain life therefore is living without the hope of eternal life.

No matter how professional, wealthy, accomplished, and celebrated you get, it will all be vanity if you have no hope of eternal life.

Go into the day knowing that life is worth living only when it is lived to serve the purpose of God.

Prayer: Ask the Lord for the grace to live for Him.

—Dr. Emmanuel James


Bible in 1 Year: Daniel 1-6

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