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You are invited to the 2019 Streamglobe Conference | Date: July 18th-20th, 2019 | Venue: Holy Faith Bible Church, Lokoja, Nigeria. | Guest Speaker: Apostle Arome Osayi | Register for the Conference Here: www.streamglobe.org/conference2019

Mark 4:31 (NKJV)
[The kingdom of God] is like a mustard seed which, when it is sown on the ground, is smaller than all the seeds on earth
Luke 17:21

 …the kingdom of God is within you.

If you plant a mustard seed, everything about the tree including the fruits it will bear and the huge size it will attain is encoded into that seed. As the seed begins to grow day by day, its real nature is revealed in the plant. Everything the tree will ever become has been encoded in that seed.

When you received Christ as Lord and Savior, you received the righteousness of God in your Spirit. This seed of God in your Spirit is incorruptible (see 1 Peter 1:23). God’s plan is that as you live out your life here on earth by faith, His righteousness within you is revealed. ”For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; it is written, ‘the just shall live by faith’” (Rom 1:17). As you live by faith, the righteousness of God in your spirit is revealed, just like the nature of the mustard seed is revealed as it is allowed to grow.

Any believer who does not live by faith will not let the righteousness of God deposited in his spirit to be revealed. He will be unfruitful. Remember that God’s expectation is fruitfulness (John 15:16, Luke 8:4-8).

The righteousness that counts before God is the righteousness of God, not the righteousness of man. The righteousness of man is a result of man’s work in obeying laws, but the righteousness of God is the fruit produced when believers live by faith (walk in the Spirit). A believer who lives by faith obeys God’s instructions, not because he thinks that they are the reason he is justified, he obeys them because he understands that he already has a relationship with God because of Christ Jesus. A child obeys his father not so that he can become his father’s child but because he is already his father’s child.

Go into today thanking God for the gift of His righteousness in your Spirit.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you live by faith and be fruitful.

-Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Yearly Bible Reading: Exodus 33-36 (In Devotional Audio)

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