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Romans 7:21-23 (NET)  So, I find the law that when I want to do good, evil is present with me. For I delight in the law of God in my inner being. But I see a different law in my members waging war against the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin that is in my members.


Because Larry had explored a sinful life for long before he believed in the Lord Jesus, it was particularly difficult for him to live a victorious life above sin.

He always wondered if it was possible for him to enjoy the victory over sin he knew was his portion in Christ.

He knew what sin was because of the law of God he knew in his mind,  it was only that he did not seem to have the ability to overcome it.

Larry started living in victory over sin after he learned certain important lessons from Romans 6-8.

He realized that it was not by the law but by the Spirit that he could put to death the works of the flesh. Because of his communion with brethren with whom he was accountable,  his prayer life grew and he found that the more he prayed and was filled with the power of the Spirit, the more he had power over the power of the flesh. He now understood why the Lord instructed us in His word to pray without ceasing.

Larry started walking in the reality of victory over sin because he learned and understood how to be filled with the Spirit. His words, his thoughts,  his joy in the Lord,  his prayer discipline,  his commitment to the ministry of the word, and his submission and fellowship with the brethren kept his life filled with the Spirit and empowered over the power of sin.

Last time,  we saw that the law operates within the domain of the mind,  but the mind of fallen man operates based on a fallen principle of the knowledge of good and evil. This makes the mind subject to the control of the flesh which had become the center of man’s reality because of the fall. So even though the law of God is in the mind of fallen man,  he will still be more subject to the law of sin that is in his body.

For everyone who is in Christ,  he would find that there is a law waging war against the law of God now in his heart(spirit and mind) and that law seeks to make him a captive of sin again. If his only defense against this law is a law that operates from his mind alone,  he would find that he would not be able to overcome. But if his defense is not just a law operating from the mind but one operating from the spirit and dominating the mind,  he would be able to overcome.

Man has two realities: the Spirit and the flesh. Man can either be controlled and dominated by the flesh or by the Spirit. Unfortunately,  fallen man is spiritually dead because life for a human spirit is unity and oneness with [the spirit of] God in whose image we were made (see Genesis 1:26-27).

Living from the reality and following the dictates of the flesh is death,  but living from the reality and following the dictates of the Spirit is life and peace(See Romans 8:6).

Go into today remembering that the only way you can overcome the law of sin operating from the flesh is by employing the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus(Romans 8:1-2). For the believer,  being filled with the Spirit (see Ephesians 5:19-21)  is not a luxury,  it is a necessity to activating the law of the Spirit of life and walking in the liberty of Christ.

Prayer: Lord, help me always be filled with your spirit and walk above the law of sin. Amen.

-Abraham Damilola Arigi

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