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Romans 8:14 (NET) For all who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God.

Demian cried: “but I’m a child of God, how could this be happening to me Lord?” immediately he got a response in his spirit that said: “if you had allowed the Spirit of God to lead you, this wouldn’t have happened”.

Many believers do not walk in the reality of their sonship in God because they are not led by the Spirit of God. A man whose choices and decisions in life are determined by what other people will say and how he would be perceived by the world cannot say he is being led by the Spirit of God. A believer is either led by the Spirit or is led by the flesh. A person led by the flesh would find that he is ultimately led by the god of this world. He would find that he does things to either satisfy his greed, his lust or his pride (see 1 John 2:16). A man led by the Spirit of God would find that the only person he wants to please is God. He would rather be displeased and God pleased.

Having a daily discipline of exposure to the ministry of the word and prayer would help sharpen your discernment of the Spirit’s leading, especially in complicated situations.

Knowledge of God’s Word would help you know the ways the Holy Spirit leads and ways he would never lead you. We can be sure of these: the Holy Spirit would never lead you to commit sin. The Holy Spirit would never lead you to disobey the written word and counsel of God.

We can also be sure of these: the devil [and the flesh] would never lead you to pray. The devil would never lead you to love your enemies.

Go into today remembering that those who are led by the Spirit are those who walk in the reality of their sonship in God. They are not just those who can perceive the Spirit’s leading, they are those who follow the Spirit’s leading.

Prayer: Lord Jesus. please help me live a life that is led by your Spirit. Amen.
-Abraham Damilola Arigi

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