Psalm 25:4 (KJV) “Shew me thy ways, O Lord ; teach me thy paths.”

Cleo loved ice cream so much that she would sometime spend her last cash buying it. Her friend wasn’t particularly comfortable with her excessive spending on ice creams so she downloaded recipes for making ice creams online, watched some YouTube videos and made her own ice cream for Cleo. “Thank you, but the one from that store has a unique taste that yours doesn’t have” Cleo said. “Yes, I noticed it too, I think that store has some secrets that I don’t know, I wish they could share them with me” Cloe’s friend responded.

Cloe’s friend couldn’t make ice cream with the taste that Cleo loved because the secret was hidden from her. In the same vain, we will not be able to serve the Lord the way He wants unless His secrets are revealed to us.

According to Psalms 25:14 (NIV), “The LORD confides in those who fear Him; He makes His covenant known to them.” The ways of the Lord are His secrets, they are revealed only to His trusted friends. If you want to know the ways of the Lord, you must show yourself to be trustworthy.

It is good to have known the Lord as your savior, that however isn’t all that there is in God, you need to learn how to become friends with God such that He can confide in you. It is only those in whom He can confide that His secrets are revealed.

It is the secrets of the Lord that you know that determines the level of victory you will enjoy. Moses for instance became great because he knew the ways of the Lord, the things that frightened the children of Israel didn’t frighten him because of his knowledge of God.

Go into today knowing that you can have more of God by learning His ways and becoming His friend, This begins by determining to obey Him in all things. John 14:15 says, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.”

Prayer: Lord Jesus, please give me the grace to obey you in all things so I can know Your ways and walk in your mighty power.
—Dr. Emmanuel James

Yearly Bible Plan: Deuteronomy 23-25
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