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Revelation 2:5 (NKJV)
Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place—unless you repent.

A Pastor on a journey happened to pass by an old derelict steel company. As he did, he began to wonder what became of its fiery furnace now lying cold, what happened to its workers, what happened to its societal role in processing metals for industrial purposes, and what are the economic implications due to its shut down? When analyzing these thoughts from the perspective of his own life’s lamp, he eventually had to re-examine himself.

Many have reached great heights and have done exploits in their walk with God only for them to deviate and fall away when they move away from the simple, pure and unchanging Gospel to focus on other activities, all in the name of ministry (Rev 2:4).

While many of these activities are beneficial in edifying and promoting the faith of believers, the main focus must remain on the reaching out to and bringing dead souls back to life through preaching the Gospel (Matt 28:19-20).

From our scriptural text, we must go back to our true assignment of being a light in leading the lost to Christ, instead of being distracted by seemingly good activities, otherwise, we risk losing our usefulness to God and live in danger of being replaced whilst holding on to religious titles, supposing we are still on track (1 Sam 2:30;35, 1 Sam 15:13-29, Matt 5:13).

Go out into the world today and tell others about Jesus Christ and His saving grace and as you do so, your light will continue to shine for all eternity (Dan 12:3).

—Chibo E.C.
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Bible Yearly: Psalms 63-65 (Available in Today’s Audio)
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Source: Devotional

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