Acts 27:23(KJV)

For there stood by me this night the angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve (Read from 21-26)

Usually, when there is a fight for supremacy, the one trying to exert his supremacy will ask, do you know who I am?

For the believer, who he is a derivative of whose he is.

The believer is special, but everything special about the believer comes from God. Now read the well-known 2 Corinthians 5 vs 17 to 18a:

“So then, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; what is old has passed away – look, what is new has come! And all these things are from God”

Therefore, the believer’s boast must only be in the Lord. We belong to Him, our life is His and our living must be based on His agenda. We live to do His good pleasure. We are of God says 1 John 4:4, but it goes on to tell us why: because the Greater One lives in us.

Now let us consider Abraham, It was obvious that there was something special about Abraham, he had left his father’s house and people and yet he was prospering, he let his nephew choose the best land and yet he kept prospering, and when four kings came together and defeated five kings and took captives including his nephew Lot, he took trained servants and defeated the kings the five kings could not defeat. But then came a man of God, Melchizedek and in his salutation, we get an insight into what made Abraham special;

“And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of the Most High God…” (Gen 14:19)

The Bible talks about great promises that are ours in Christ Jesus. But do well to remember that all these promises are because of what God has done for us in Christ Jesus. We are who we are because of whose we are. We are of God, saved by His grace.

Let your boast be in Him, and let your living be for Him.

Go into today remembering that when you live in the consciousness of whose you are, you will see the manifestation of His great power in your life.

Prayer: Thank you Father for the privilege to belong to you. Please help me always live in this consciousness. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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—Ikechukwu Mpama

Bible in 1 Year: Deuteronomy 13-15

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