Proverbs 24:10 (ESV) “If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small”

Junior often came home with his face swollen because he was bullied and beaten up by his school mates. After several failed attempts at stopping this continued assault, his parents finally enrolled him in a kickboxing class, he attended the classes after school often with a swollen face. After two months of continuous training, his parents noticed that he no longer returned home traumatized, “what has changed?” They asked. “I beat them up!” Junior responded.

Many Christians today are under the continuous assault of demons, witches, wizards, curses, etc, and are running from one prayer house to another without freedom in sight. Some have even turned to witch doctors, sorcerers, magicians, and the likes for help – – all of which also ends in futility.

How powerful is your enemy? He is powerful to the degree to which you are weak. According to today’s passage, you are not failing because your adversaries are too powerful for you, no, you fail because your strength is little.

If you truly desire freedom, you must pay attention to the things that make you spiritually strong and run away from those things that make you weak.

Every form of sin you commit weakens you. Apart from outright sins, there are little disobediences and weights that slow down and prevent believers from ascending the heights of God. We should beware of them.

If you must be stronger than your enemies, if you desire continuous victory, you must pay attention to obeying every instruction God gives. See Isaiah 1:19 and Joshua 7:11-13.

Go into today knowing that sanctification (continuous and complete obedience to God) is what makes for strength to overcome your enemy.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for saving me. I ask for the grace to live in complete obedience to you. Amen!

—Dr. Emmanuel James

Bible in 1 Year: Zephaniah
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