Philippians 1:6(NET) For I am sure of this very thing, that the one who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.

After reporting to his new job in the city, Felix was excited to meet some of his old friends who were fellowship leaders on their campus. But he was deeply disturbed to realize that many of them had backslidden and were living as unbelievers. One of them was even living with his girlfriend in sin and shame. “What has this city done to my brethren” Felix thought.

After a lot of thinking, Felix wasn’t sure he too would last as a fervent believer in that city. Even though he didn’t have any plan to backside, he was already getting defeated from within. And that was the plan of the enemy.

Many Christians sometimes doubt the durability of their faith because they have not understood that it wasn’t built by them but by God who is the master builder. Your salvation and your faith was not your idea, it was God’s idea. And God is faithful to keep you and increase you in the faith. Remember that He who began a good work in you will perfect it. As long as you abide in Christ and remain under his authority, you have nothing to fear.

As you go into today, do not let your heart be troubled about whether you will make heaven or not. Believe in Jesus that He is able to keep you and present you blameless before God on that day (Read Jude 1:24 and John 14:1-3).

Prayer confession: I will never backslide but will always grow in grace In Jesus’ name. Amen. (keep repeating this till you totally believe it).
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In 1 Year: Luke 13-14

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