1 John 3:1 (NET) (See what sort of love the Father has given to us: that we should be called God’s children – and indeed we are! For this reason the world does not know us: because it did not know him.

When Mr. Adeyemi visited the city orphanage for the first time, his heart was broken to see the number of children whose parents had rejected them. While Mr. Adeyemi was in the orphanage, two of the little children came to him and would not let him go. He also couldn’t let them go, he fell in love with them. He decided he was going to adopt them and make them his children. This meant that they were going to inherit his great fortune; they were now heirs to the greatest fortune in that entire country.

The love that God has for you in saving you and adopting you is greater than what words can describe. Being children of God and fellow heirs with Christ Jesus means we get to share in ownership of the entire universe (see Rom 8:17a, 32). This is really too great to imagine, and this is the reason the devil would do anything to hinder us from accessing this reality by faith and knowledge.

What do we do in response to this great undeserved love lavished on us by God. We chose to love Him and serve Him with our lives.

Go into today renewing your decision to honor and serve God with your life. This is the least you can do in appreciation of His great love.

Ask the Lord to help you see things clearly and know who you really are as His child.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In 1 Year: Matthew 23-25 (In Today’s Audio)

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