Hebrews 4:16 (NET) Therefore let us confidently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and find grace whenever we need help.

Yomi found that unlike him, Gbenga walked in the divine nature and enjoyed the benefits of the divine life; the promises of God found fruition in his life. Yomi wondered why that wasn’t the case with him. “But I quote scriptures like Gbenga, why don’t they work in my life as they do in Gbenga’s life?”. After living with Gbenga for some time, Yomi observed that unlike him, Gbenga lived a truly holy life before the Lord. This was the reason why he could appropriate the promises of God so easily.

In today’s verse, notice that from the throne of grace, mercy is received but grace is found. In order to receive a thing, we need to simply ask. But in order to find something, we need to seek [for] it. Jesus was the one who said ‘ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find'(Matthew 7:7). In order to walk in God’s grace, we need to first receive mercy. Mercy is the reason we have righteousness (right standing) with God, but grace is the reason(empowerment) we can walk in holiness and thus appropriate our privileges as sons of God (See 2 Corinthians 7:1). Holiness is required for God’s people to possess their possessions (see Obadiah 1:17).

In order to find grace, you need to search for it with the lamp of God’s word. This lamp is oiled by the indwelling Holy Spirit who gives life(understanding) to God’s word. Listen and meditate on God’s Word until it crystallizes grace in your spirit concerning that area of need.

The way by which we connect with grace is through faith. God has given us great and exceeding promises. As we believe these promises, we are able to walk in them and partake in the divine nature. But this is only possible after we, through grace, have escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust(see 2 Peter 1:4).

Go into today remembering that mercy is received but grace is found. Grace is found using the searchlight of God’s word which imparts faith.

Prayer: Father, help me find grace to finish this race victoriously, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible In One Year: Luke 1-2

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