1 Corinthians 16:8-9 (NET)
But I will stay in Ephesus until Pentecost,
because a door of great opportunity stands wide open for me, but there are many opponents.
Lanre wanted to be more effective in ministry so he went on a fast to seek the face of the Lord concerning this. During the fast, he saw in a vision that a door was open before him, but as he approached the door, many hostile looking creatures were preventing him from entering it. He now knew that it was time to wrestle against the powers that hindered his open door. This he did through prayer and word and prevailed. His ministry won and discipled more souls that year than all the previous years combined.
When you see the phrase ‘open door’ in scripture, it is referring to an opportunity to be more fruitful. When God opens a door for you, no one can shut it(see Rev 3:8). The best the adversaries can do is to try to hinder you from perceiving the open door or from accessing it. We have been equipped to wrestle such adversaries and conquer them so that we can enter our open doors. We are to persist in wrestling against the adversaries(principalities and powers etc) until we enter our open doors. The way we wrestle to Victory is by putting on our whole spiritual armor and praying always in the spirit (see Eph 6:18).
Go into today knowing that the way to enter every open door the Lord has set before you by living by the word and being consistent in prayer.
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Source: Devotional