Ephesians 4:17 (KJV) This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind.

We were told first how to walk in verse 1, and now we are told in this verse how not to walk. We are to stop walking “as other Gentiles [unbelievers] walk.”

When Christians become carnal, they no longer are controlled by the Spirit of God, and they act just like the world. There should be a distinct separation between the outward life of a Christian and that of a sinner. Sin is sin, and God hates it. This scripture is a command against carnality for Christians.

Paul was the apostle to the Gentiles. The Ephesians were  Gentiles. Paul is not talking about walking according to the law of Moses because the Gentiles were never given the law. He is showing a distinction between the Gentile Christian and the Gentile unbeliever. We are Gentiles also and well acquainted with sin. We live in a world full of sin. Our earth is perverted by the devil and the world’s system. But as Christians, we should show a distinction and a separation in our outward lives because of the knowledge of the Word inside of us.

There is a process of growing to go through in order to come to the place of laying aside every sin. When you are born again, the seed is planted inside. The seed will grow as you study the Word and pray. As it grows, the new life will be manifested in the outward life. Walk each day in the knowledge you have, and the Lord will forgive the sins you commit in ignorance. When you do commit a sin you know about, ask the Lord to forgive you. He promises He will (See 1 John 1:7, 9). The Lord has commanded you to learn when you are born again:

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden [sinners], and I will give you rest [new birth]. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me (Matt. 11:28-29).

Knowledge brings growth. As you grow, there will be a new area each day you will have strength to lay aside. Like a child growing up, you will come to the place where you no longer stumble and fall. You can “walk circumspectly” (Ephesians5:15).

Go into today knowing that when the Word is in you in abundance, you have no excuse for sinning. Your life is to be an example to the world.

Prayer: Father, help me to hunger for the word that I may grow thereby
—George Evuarherhe Djorhogba

Bible In One Year: Genesis 8-11 (In Devotional Audio)
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