James 1:22 (KJV) But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.

Sandra did not know that she had been deceiving herself because she felt that because she could still speak in tongues, all was well. Also, she was a very faithful tither.

The day she found out she was deceiving herself was when she joined the Evangelism unit and they went for prison evangelism. They came in contact with a young man who asked them to pray for him because he knew he was demon-possessed. As they started to pray, the demon inside him started to cry out. But she noticed that when she prayed, the demon had no regard for her voice, but reacted when even some younger Christians commanded it come out.

It became clear to Sandra that she had no spiritual authority even though she had been in the church for a long time. She was not a doer of the word but was living in sin.

Yesterday we saw that those who continue to hear the word of God but do not do what it says but continue to come back to church usually do so because they believe that even though they are not doers of the word, they are still saved and would inherit the kingdom of God. Unknown to them, they are simply deceiving themselves. The problem with self-deception is that the person will be sincerely convinced that what they have deceived themselves into believing is the truth.

Believers who are not controlled by God’s word will not be able to walk in the power of God’s word and kingdom. The degree to which we are submitted to God is the degree to which His power and authority would be in our lives. There are people that if they resist the devil, he will have no choice but to flee from them. These people are those who are submitted to God (See James 4:7).

Go into today remembering that being a doer of the word is the secret to true spiritual authority.

Prayer: Lord, help me be a doer of your word and be fruitful in every good work. Amen.

—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible In One Year: Romans 5-6 (In Devotional Audio)
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