James 1:15 (ESV) “Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death”.

For about three and a half years Judas Iscariot was with Jesus, for all of these years he lusted after money. He sometimes helped himself with money from the purse (John 12:6) but when the little money from the purse could no longer satisfy him, the devil brought him a proposal on how to “hit it big”. “Sell you boss” the devil whispered. Judas Iscariot yielded (Matt 26:14-26) and sold Jesus out. What he did brought him under a curse that led him to eternal damnation (Matthew 26:24).

Learn to control your desires, but if your desires have given birth to sin, don’t let sin grow.

You will gain control over your desires by renewing your mind (Romans 12:2) through the word of God (Eph 5:26). You cut the life of sin short by confessing and forsaking it (John 1:9; Prob 28:13), but when sin is allowed to grow, it will produce death (see Romans 8:13).

If you refuse to confess and forsake your sins but condone and cover them, you will not have mercy (Prov 28:13), that is to say, you will be judged (condemned) because it is mercy that triumphs over judgment (James 2:13).

After you have confessed and forsaken a sin, watch out for the desire or desires that produced it, then constantly and vehemently combat such desires in the place of prayer using the appropriate scriptures until grace to control such desires has been supplied.

Go into today knowing that learning to subject your desires to the truth of the word of God is the secret to victory over sin.

Pray: Lord Jesus, help me to live victoriously over sin and death. Amen
—Dr. Emmanuel James

Bible in 365 Days: Ecclesiastes 1-2

Credits: Audio Bible(Bible Experience, Zondervan). Music(Maranatha Praise Band – You Are So Faithful)

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