The Kingdom Is Coming

Rev 2:26-29 (KJV) And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations: 27 And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father. 28 And I will give him the morning star. 29 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. When Christ returns in person, it will be a magnificent event, radiating with immense power and glory. He will not come alone, but alongside us, His triumphant saints. His purpose will be to assume authority over the world’s governments. Given that the current rulers may not willingly relinquish their power, He will assert His dominion with force. As His saints, we will accompany Christ in our glorified bodies, akin to His own. For a millennium, we will govern and lead over the earth. Even the city you reside in today will likely retain its present name during these events. The people of the world won’t stand a chance against us, for we will possess unbreakable, glorified bodies, along with superior intelligence and unmatched power. The rulers of the earth will have no choice but to submit or face defeat (see Psalm 2). In that physical reign on earth, the wealthiest individual on the planet will be considered less than the least among us in our Kingdom. Our government will be so prosperous that we’ll have the means to pave our streets with gold. Every human being, even angels, will be under our dominion (see 1 Cor 6:2-3). As you step into today, hold fast to the knowledge that the Kingdom is on its way. The Holy Spirit dwelling within us offers a foretaste of the extraordinary powers that lie ahead, providing us with a firm assurance in these promises of the Lord.—Abraham Damilola Arigi Join our group to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day:WhatsApp: 🔊Get the Audio Version Here☞ Bible In 1 Year: Acts 3-4 (In today’s audio) Kindly forward this devotional to your contacts and let’s bless lives Play in new window | Download (Duration: 11:52 — 4.3MB)Subscribe: RSS

Freedom unto righteousness

2 Peter 2:19 (NET) Although these false teachers promise such people freedom, they themselves are enslaved to immorality. For whatever a person succumbs to, to that he is enslaved. Dorin was sixteen when she entered campus. She was young and impressionable, and this made her look for the most adventurous of all options. The first thing she liked about the teachers she would eventually find out to be false teachers of God’s word is that they promised freedom, and condemned other Christians as being under the law. By the time Dorin became pregnant for a leader in the fellowship, and he denied it to her face and instigated the entire leadership against her, it was now clear to her that they were not disciples of Christ. Most false teachers in the church promise more freedom. And because of this freedom they claim to have, they become lascivious and would do anything without feeling guilty. One of the things false doctrines seek to do to believers is to deaden their consciences and make them feel no guilt for sins they commit. But what usually happens at the end of the day is that such teachers end up being slaves to certain sins, especially immorality. Go into today remembering that we have been free from the bondage of sin, but are now slaves to righteous living (see Rom 6:18 ESV). Ask the Lord to help you walk in the liberty that makes a person holy and righteous.—Abraham Damilola Arigi Join our group to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day:WhatsApp: 🔊Get the Audio Version Here☞ Bible In 1 Year: Psalms 117-118 (In today’s audio) Kindly forward this devotional to your contacts and let’s bless lives Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

Worthy to walk with the Lord

Rev 3:4 (NET) But you have a few individuals in Sardis who have not stained their clothes, and they will walk with me dressed in white, because they are worthy.  When Joyce first believed, she was not a very honest person, and her words meant nothing to her. She didn’t know this was wrong, but as she grew in her walk with God, she noticed that the Lord kept revealing things in her life that were not in alignment with His righteousness. Each time this happened, she would repent, and grow in her knowledge of God and His grace (power). We can learn from today’s Bible text that it is only those whose garments are unstained that can walk [in fellowship] with the Lord. When a Christian walks in sin, His [spiritual] clothes are stained [by it], and he is unable to fellowship with God appropriately and walk in his spiritual authority accordingly. This cannot happen to Christians who are already walking in the light by walking in constant fellowship with God who is the light (See 1 John 1:5). Because they are walking in the light, and sin is darkness, they do not walk in sin. This does not mean they cannot be tempted and sometimes fall, but it means they cannot take their place in sin. There are weaknesses that hinder believers from closer fellowship with God, yet these sins may be unknown to them. But as they walk in the light, the light continually reveals every darkness in them and the blood of Jesus cleanses them from it as they acknowledge (confess) it and repent (see 1 John 1:7,9). When this happens, they further advance in their knowledge (closer fellowship) of God and grow in grace and spiritual might. This is something that happens over time. Go into today asking the Lord to help you grow in the knowledge of Him. —Abraham Damilola Arigi Join our group to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day:WhatsApp: 🔊Get the Audio Version Here☞ Bible In 1 Year: II Chronicles 11-15 (In today’s audio) Kindly forward this devotional to your contacts and let’s bless lives

Washing by the blood

Rev 3:3-5 (NET) Therefore, remember what you received and heard, and obey it, and repent. If you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will never know at what hour I will come against you. 4 But you have a few individuals in Sardis who have not stained their clothes, and they will walk with me dressed in white, because they are worthy. Tade found himself tangled in a web of lies at the office, and the weight of guilt was so heavy that he couldn’t pray or connect with God like he used to. He tried to rationalize his actions, but the guilt lingered. However, when he faced up to his wrongdoings, confessing them before God and genuinely repenting, the burden of guilt lifted. He was cleansed. In the passage today, the Lord spoke of some Christians in Sardis who managed to keep their garments unstained. When we stray into sin, it’s like staining our spiritual attire. This brings in guilt and weakens our confidence in approaching God. If this pattern persists, it could lead to spiritual death because our connection with God is the wellspring of spiritual vitality (see Rom 8:13). But when we openly admit our wrongs (that’s repentance), the cleansing power of Jesus’ blood washes away both the stain and the sense of guilt. Confession isn’t about informing God, as He already knows; it’s about recognizing our actions as sinful and genuinely turning away from them. As 1 John 1:8-9 puts it: “If we claim we’re free of sin, we’re only fooling ourselves. A claim like that is errant nonsense. On the other hand, if we admit our sins—make a clean breast of them—he won’t let us down; he’ll be true to himself. He’ll forgive our sins and purge us of all wrongdoing.” Through this cleansing by His blood, we’re not only freed from guilt but also empowered to confidently commune with God (see Heb 10:22).—Abraham Damilola Arigi Join our group to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day:WhatsApp: 🔊Get the Audio Version Here☞ Bible In 1 Year: Numbers 29-32 (In today’s audio) Kindly forward this devotional to your contacts and let’s bless lives Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

Repent and wake up

Rev 3:3 (NET) Therefore, remember what you received and heard, and obey it, and repent. If you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will never know at what hour I will come against you. Kayode had lost his zeal for pleasing God because, to him, God seemed distant and unreal. Now, he was solely focused on fulfilling his own desires, willing to do anything and commit any sin to get what he craved. His life was indistinguishable from that of someone who didn’t believe at all. This wasn’t always the case for Kayode. Initially, when he first embraced his faith in Christ Jesus, God was vividly present in his life, and he earnestly sought to live in a way that pleased Him. The Holy Spirit’s guidance was palpable, leading him every step of the way. However, over time, Kayode encountered teachings that downplayed the seriousness of sin. Regrettably, he began reverting to his old sinful habits. This gradual shift led to a point where God no longer felt real to him. Like some of the Christians in Sardis, many Christians have died spiritually because they have forgotten the real gospel that made them believe and have received doctrines that make them walk in the flesh and think it does not affect their eternal life. But we have seen that when Christians walk in the flesh, they die spiritually (see Rom 8:13, Gal 6:8, Eph 5:3-5). If only they would remember the gospel they received, many would repent and awake from their slumber before it becomes spiritual death. Go into today remembering that the gospel that got you saved [from sin] could not have been one that systematically condones sin. Ask the Lord to help His children everywhere to remember what they received, and obey it.—Abraham Damilola Arigi Join our group to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day:WhatsApp: 🔊Get the Audio Version Here☞ Bible In 1 Year: Hebrews 5-7 (In today’s audio) Kindly forward this devotional to your contacts and let’s bless lives Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

The Coming Of The Lord

Rev 3:3 (NET) Therefore, remember what you received and heard, and obey it, and repent. If you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will never know at what hour I will come against you. When I was a child, our home was robbed in the night by armed robbers. That was a very terrifying experience. The terror of that experience stayed with us for some time. Reading today’s Bible text also reminds me of when as a child, I used to be very afraid of the coming of the Lord because I was not sure that I was ready. His coming for me was indeed as a thief in the night, it was something that was more feared than celebrated. But as I have grown in Christ, the thought of His coming produces unspeakable joy in my heart because I know His coming is the beginning of my greatest visible glory and power for all eternity, and the end of the dominion of darkness over the world. Christians who are not ready (who are asleep) will experience the coming of the Lord like a thief in the night, but those who are prepared will experience the coming of the Lord like an expectant bride joyfully receiving her bridegroom. In both cases, none of them will know the exact time of visitation, but those in the second category will have a joyful expectation. 1 Thess 5:4-6 [KJV]: 4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief… (read vs 5-6). Notice that it is those who are asleep that will experience His coming like a thief in the night. These are those who are not prepared. Go into today knowing that the coming of the Lord is something you should joyfully look forward to when you are prepared (see Mat 24:46). A prepared Christian is one busy doing what he has been called to do. This is only possible when you are spiritually awake.Ask the Lord to help you stay awake.—Abraham Damilola Arigi Join our group to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day:WhatsApp: 🔊Get the Audio Version Here☞ Bible In 1 Year: Acts 1-2 (In today’s audio) Kindly forward this devotional to your contacts and let’s bless lives Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

The True Synagogue

Rev 3:9 (NET) Listen! I am going to make those people from the synagogue of Satan – who say they are Jews yet are not, but are lying – Look, I will make them come and bow down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you. In the letters to the seven Churches, this is the second time the Lord is referring to a Jewish synagogue as the synagogue of Satan (see Rev 2:9). Indeed, those synagogues were built to be synagogues of God, but when God came in Christ and was rejected, God was no more in their synagogues but now dwells in the church (His people). And because the synagogues that were built to contain God were now vacant of God’s presence, Satan took advantage of the vacancy. When God is rejected from any temple that was built to contain Him, Satan invites himself and takes over. Human beings were created to contain the presence of God, but when people reject Christ, they become tools in the hands of Satan, whether they know it or not. It was important that the Lord assured the saints about the fact that they were now His people and that people who claimed to be His people, but who opposed the church, were not His people but people who served Satan. The saints in Philadelphia needed this assurance because of unbelieving Jews who tried to make them feel that they were inferior before God as ‘Gentiles’. But the Lord now made it clear that the Christians are the superior ones, and it will be clear throughout eternity. Go into today knowing that if you are in Christ, there is no one anywhere who is superior to you. We are born of God and royal members of His family – co-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17).—Abraham Damilola Arigi Join our group to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day:WhatsApp: 🔊Get the Audio Version Here☞ Bible In 1 Year: Numbers 25-28 (In today’s audio) Kindly forward this devotional to your contacts and let’s bless lives Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

Because You Have Kept My Admonition

Rev 3:10 (NET) Because you have kept my admonition to endure steadfastly, I will also keep you from the hour of testing that is about to come on the whole world to test those who live on the earth. As Femi started to seek the Lord in prayer and fasting for the year, one of the first things he did was to ask the Lord what improvements he needed to make in his life to walk better in pleasing the Lord. He sensed the Lord leading him to be more committed to prayers that year. When he got to church in the evening, he received a confirmation of that admonition. It was now clear to Femi that he needed to set aside some time every night to pray and spend time with the Lord. In today’s Bible text, Jesus talked about an hour of testing. In 1 Cor 7:26, Apostle Paul also made reference [by the spirit of prophecy] to an Impending crisis. History has it that around that period, Christians everywhere were persecuted by the mighty Roman Empire which ruled the world. The Empire made it a duty to persecute and kill Christians everywhere, and they used their very vast resources to do this. But the Church in Philadelphia would be spared from this testing because they always kept the Lord’s admonition to them. The Lord has the power to preserve His own from global or national occurrences that appear inescapable. When a person honors the Lord, the Lord honors him and dedicates special resources for His peace and prosperity(see 1 Sam 2:30). The church at Philadelphia honored the Lord and Kept His admonition. Because of this, they were spared. I do not know what admonition you have recently received from the Lord, but as you go into today, be determined to keep the Lord’s admonition, and see His preserving grace and power multiply in every area of your life.—Abraham Damilola Arigi Join our group to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day:WhatsApp: 🔊Get the Audio Version Here☞ Bible In 1 Year: Numbers 25-28 (In today’s audio) Kindly forward this devotional to your contacts and let’s bless lives Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

Your Crown 2

Rev 3:11 (NET) I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have so that no one can take away your crown. Nkechi knew she was supposed to be singing and using her beautiful voice to edify many and draw them to the kingdom of God. But she was too busy with her bank job to think about that. One day, she lost her job and had to pray to the Lord to help her find another one or find something productive to do. As she prayed, she knew that her prayers were not going anywhere. She started asking the Lord why she didn’t feel the flow of His Spirit and the normal assurance she would receive when she prayed. The next day, she heard her pastor preaching from John 15. He said that the reason many Christians do not see answered prayers is because they are not fruitful (see John 15:16). He went on to define fruitfulness as when your life produces the fruit of the spirit and also when it produces the fruit of God’s investment in you. The pastor now went on to use singing as an example. That if a Christian hides (ignores) his talent and ministry, that Christian is not fruitful. Nkechi broke down in tears and repented. She knew she had been playing with her crown and walking in disobedience. The next week, she applied to join the choir. Many Christians are walking in half of their spiritual authority and power because they are not fully walking in their calling. They don’t realize that the reason the men of God [they run to] are walking in more spiritual authority is because they are more fully committed to their calling. Not necessarily because they are more holy. Go into today knowing that your crown signifies authority. Christians give away their authority when they are more committed to serving mammon than serving God. Ask the Lord to help you in this regard. —Abraham Damilola Arigi Join our group to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day:WhatsApp: 🔊Get the Audio Version Here☞ Bible In 1 Year: Hebrews 1-4 (In today’s audio) Kindly forward this devotional to your contacts and let’s bless lives together. Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

Your Crown

Rev 3:11 (NET) I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have so that no one can take away your crown. When Christ returns to take over the government of this world (Rev 11:15), He will not rule the entire earth alone, but will rule and judge with His saints (see 1 Cor 6:2-3). He will apportion territories and dominion according to our kingdom ranking. Some will be given ten cities to rule while some will be given 5, etc. (see Luke 19:11-19). Your ranking and reward is based on how you are faithful with the little God has entrusted to you in this time (see Luke 16:10). I believe one reason we would be given crowns is because we will be given territories to rule. Crowns are given to rulers; they are not just symbols for reward. God does not do anything without first concluding it in the realm of eternity. Your lot and portion in the kingdom of God (including your crowns) have been concluded from before the foundation of the world. If you fulfill your calling here on earth by yielding to God’s foreordained will through obedience to His word and Spirit, you will receive your crown of dominion, and territories to rule in the coming kingdom. But if for some reason, you refuse to align your will with the will of God to fulfill your calling, like the unfaithful servant in Luke 29:23-24, what you have (your throne and crown) will be given to someone else. There can be no vacant throne in the coming kingdom. Go into today knowing that God wants you to fulfill your destiny more than you want to fulfill it. Ask the Lord to deliver you from all [satanic] deception and procrastination. Ask him to lead you in the path of righteousness [and destiny] for His name’s sake.—Abraham Damilola Arigi Join our group to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day:WhatsApp: 🔊Get the Audio Version Here☞ Bible In 1 Year: John 19-21(In today’s audio) Kindly forward this devotional to your contacts and let’s bless lives together.Listen to our edifying online radio here: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 18:20 — 6.5MB)Subscribe: RSS

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