Ephesians 1:4 (NET) For he chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world that we may be holy and unblemished in his sight in love.
We were chosen before the foundation of the world. This shows us once again the immensity of God who has always existed, there never was a time nor ever will be a time when He will not exist. Time is no problem with Him because He lives in a realm where time does not exist. We are bound by time, but God is not. He sees tomorrow, next year, and eternity to come as clearly as we see this moment. He knows the problems you will face tomorrow and has already planned every answer for you. God planned answers before problems existed hence nothing can ever take Him by surprise or unawares. It is Ignorance to think you can face a problem tomorrow or next week for which God has not already made a way of escape (1Corin. 10:13). Problems may catch you off-guard, but they never surprise God. If He planned for the biggest problem in your life through the new birth, don’t you think He can handle the smaller ones on the job, in the home, or at school?
Somehow we get the idea that God saved us, filled us with the Holy Spirit, and left us to fend for ourselves. God not only planned for us to enter this new life but also planned for us to live victoriously while we wait for the glorious appearing of our Lord.
God knows the future and has made plans for you to succeed. Don’t try to help God by worrying. Sit back and enjoy the ride. This is the life of faith that pleases God. (See Heb. 11:6.).
Before the foundation of the world, God destined you to be holy and without blame. From the foundation of the world, He has destined you to be righteous and holy. We need to see ourselves as God sees us and focus not at the things which are seen [our mistakes and failures], but at the things which are not seen [our heavenly position]: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal (2Corin 4:18).
Right now, seated with Jesus in heavenly places, you are seen as “holy and without blame” because you are in Him (Christ). If I am in Him, I am holy and without blame. What this understanding does is to remove the attitude of defeat and condemnation. If you miss the mark, repent and ask God to forgive you (1John 1:9), then see yourself as He does—forgiven, holy, and without blame, and make every effort never to go back to that sin. Remember, anyone who practices sin is of the devil (Read 1John 3:8).
Go into today with the understanding that right now you are seated with Jesus in heavenly places. You are seen as “holy and without blame” because you are in Christ.
Prayer: ask the Lord to help you to live holy, justly, and without blame.
—George Evuarherhe Djorhogba
Bible In One Year: Acts 23-24 (In Devotional Audio)
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