
Proverbs 26:2 (NET) Like a fluttering bird or like a flying swallow, so a curse without cause does not come to rest.

When Dare wanted to be delivered from the curse in his life, he sought to establish contact with the pastor who placed a curse on him, but since he was now living in Europe, he had lost all contact with that church and didn’t know how to reestablish it. As he prayed and sought counsel from his current pastor, he realized that what the Lord needed him to do was to truly repent and forsake his former ways that made it possible for that curse to alight and remain in his life.

After repenting before the Lord, soon enough, he was tested with that same kind of temptation. The company he was now working with gave him a new role that meant he was going to be handling a lot of money with little supervision. If he had not repented, he knew the “sharp” practices he would have employed to systematically game the system and make some extra money, but Dare now proposed in his heart not to go that way again. This was the fruit of repentance needed to demonstrate his freedom from the iniquity that made him a captive to curses.

Unknown to him, passing that test was proof that he had truly repented from the iniquity in his heart that was a magnet for that curse. Consequently, he was automatically delivered.

Before a curse can alight on a person’s life, there needs to be a cause; a corresponding iniquity that the curse exploits. The same goes for generational curses. Generational iniquities and proclivities of the heart are the requirements for generational curses to continue to find expression in any life. In order for curses to be broken, iniquities need to be forsaken. Only the power of Christ can truly deliver any man from the power of iniquity. Becoming like Christ is the only true remedy to iniquity in the heart.

Go into today remembering that the way to break free of all curses is to be free of iniquity. Becoming like Christ is the sure path to this.

—Abraham Dami Arigi

Bible In One Year: Luke 5-6

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