Ephesians 1:4-5 (NET) For he chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world that we may be holy and unblemished in his sight in love. He did this by predestining us to adoption as his sons through Jesus Christ, according to the pleasure of his will

Shaibu was born into a very wealthy and influential Muslim family, but when he was in the university he heard the gospel and believed in the Lord Jesus Christ. This single decision proved to be the most pivotal in his life. He faced persecution untold. The family that used to be very supportive disconnected from him. His parents turned their backs on him and his friends now hated him. After finishing school, he found it difficult to get a job and had to struggle to pay his bills because his family had cut him off.

As he went through these struggles and persecution, at some point he almost started doubting the love of God for him, but he remembered that the riches and treasure he was going to inherit in Christ was unquantifiable. The Holy Spirit was always there to comfort him and he knew that what was happening to him was not a coincidence. For example, when he was in secondary school, his uncle made him learn a trade that he felt he would never need because he was from a wealthy family. That trade was what the Lord used to meet his needs for a season.

After many years had passed and Shaibu had become stronger in the faith, he realized that indeed, God had chosen him before the foundation of the world. God knew where he was going to be born and God had meticulously planned his salvation.

Child of God, never forget that your salvation is not a coincidence, it is the result of a well-laid-out eternal plan. That you were born in a place and time where you would have the opportunity to hear the gospel is the result of God’s predestination and grace. God does not owe anybody salvation, salvation is the result of His benevolence and grace, and you have been chosen to be among those who would receive this grace.

The next time the devil tries to make you feel insignificant and condemned, remember that God predestined you for salvation even before the foundation of the world. You are one of the reasons Jesus came to die. God’s plan to save you is older and stronger than satan’s plan to condemn you. Satan only knew about you when you showed up here, God knew about you and planned to save you from before the foundation of the world.

Thank the Lord that His grace came to you and you did not reject it. Many indeed have been called, but only those who answer the call and stay faithful will be chosen.

Prayer: Pray for your friends and loved ones. Pray that they would heed the call of God and not turn down His grace.

—Abraham Damilola Arigi
Bible In One Year: Psalms 57-59
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