Matthew 28:19-20 (NET) Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Sandra’s pastor erroneously taught them that the things our Lord Jesus taught His disciples do not apply to the church today because Jesus was teaching people under the law and we are not under the law. He went on to tell them that only the epistles have relevance for the believer in Christ.

When you see a preacher trying to explain away the teachings of our Lord Jesus, that is a telling sign that he is a teacher of heresy.

Sandra’s pastor probably didn’t realize that after Jesus was resurrected, He instructed His apostles to go and make disciples of all nations by baptizing them and teaching them to observe all that He taught. He also probably does not realize that what the apostles wrote in the epistles were echoes of what Christ taught.

Because of what Sandra’s pastor was teaching, which he called “the gospel of grace”, the church he pastored was full of weak indisciplined, and morally bankrupt young people who were full of emotion and devoid of spiritual understanding. While in that Church, Sandra had so many abortions that she did not believe she still had the ability to get pregnant. She was so unhappy and empty even though she was brainwashed to believe she was under the grace of God and was eternally secure. Because of the unrelenting intercession of her mother and sisters, she was eventually delivered from that charismatic zoo she called her church. She was brought to true repentance and started living a straight life under the authority of Christ. It took her mother thirteen years of constant intercession for Sandra to become truly saved.

Though ancient, the words of our Lord are the most current and relevant words for life today. They form the foundation of all Christian doctrine.

Go into today remembering that because the church is apostolic in nature, the product of an accurate Christian assembly should be sinners converted into saints through the process of discipleship. Any assembly where sinners are made to feel comfortable in their sin is not a place to be as a serious-minded believer.

Prayer: Lord, help me live by your word and be fruitful in every good work. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Plan: Hosea 1-7

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