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Psalms 91:1 (NKJV)
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
Dwelling in the secret place of the Most High is a choice we can all make as believers, but unfortunately, it is also a choice we can refuse to make. How do we refuse to make this choice? By not abiding in the Lord but going back to the world. Those in the world are ruled by lust, greed, and pride.
in John 15, the Lord told His disciples who believed in Him to abide in Him and He would abide in them. those days, I used to wonder what it really meant to abide in the Lord, then I heard a song written by a friend of mine (who used to be a very notorious unbeliever but today is now a pastor and one of the truest believers I know). His song just helped me properly understand what it means to abide in the Lord. A part of the song goes thus:
I’m calling on You, calling on You to turn around my word X2
I’m calling unto you to turn around my word X2
I would settle down, settle down, I’ll sit back and relax
I won’t run away, anymore, I’ll sit back and relax
I’ll be faithful unto you, I’ll sit back and relax
I’ll be faithful unto you, I’ll sit back and relax…
You can see the writer say ‘I won’t run away anymore’. The question is ‘run away how?’ He used to be in the word and had built an ‘eco-system’ there, most of his friends were in the world. Running away for him meant going back to the world, it meant not being truly faithful to the Lord in all things, It meant living a life of compromises and doing things he knows are wrong for a believer to do.
Abiding in the Lord means staying in Him. Jesus tells us to abide in Him because there is a possibility to not abide in Him even though we have been grafted into Him(see Rom 11:19-22). There is a possibility to want to go back to the world because of its pleasures and deceitfulness of riches.
Go into today remembering that what it means to dwell in the secret place of the Most High is to abide in the Lord and be faithful to Him. Repent of every unfaithfulness and determine that from today, with the help of the Spirit, you would abide in Him.
Remember that it is those who abide in Him that enjoy His universal protection and covering(read Psalm 91).
Pray: Lord, help me abide in you. Amen.
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-Abraham Damilola Arigi
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-Abraham Damilola Arigi
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